So Ding Yi could only bite the bullet and say enough, at worst, she would pay for it herself.

"Do you have any singing and dancing performances here?" Zhou Bu asked the shopkeeper.

"Sir, no." The shopkeeper said.

"There is no song and dance performance in such a big restaurant? Who are you saving money for?" Zhou Bu doubted.

"There is no song and dance performance, but we have a unique elephant performance. There is a private room upstairs, and you can watch the whole process." The shopkeeper said.

"This is not bad, here is a set of services! If you are satisfied with the master, there will be a reward." Zhou Bu doubted.

"This... the elephant performance is a bit expensive, and it is usually performed on festivals or when there are many people." The shopkeeper said.

"How much?" Zhou Bu asked.

"Two thousand gold." The shopkeeper said cautiously, for fear that Zhou Buyi would turn his face.

After all, this is not Yangzhou, and people's consumption level is not so high.

Two thousand gold is definitely a super high price!

"It's only two thousand gold, prepare it now." Zhou Bu doubted.

Cao Zhi staggered and almost fell.He wrote a word, the price is only a gold.

Two thousand gold to write two thousand copies?

Cao Zhi's arms were shaking!

"This is a poetry meeting, why let an elephant come?"

"Performing to add to the fun!" Zhou Buyi said as a matter of course.

"No need, there are literati and elegant guests performing piano rhythm." Cao Zhi said.

"That's right, it's so exciting to put a saddle on the back of an elephant and play the piano on it." Zhou Bu doubted.

"No, no, how can you do such a rude thing?" Cao Zhi shook his head quickly.

"How can it be rude? Maybe there will be a chapter left in history, such as Xianghui, and Xianghui, isn't it good?" Zhou Bu doubted.

Cao Zhi couldn't help looking at Ding Yi, this time Ding Yi didn't dare to grit his teeth, and shook his head slightly.

"We've been to the Elephant Tower a few times. We've seen a lot of elephants. There's nothing new about it. Could it be Mr. Zhou who hasn't seen an elephant?"


Zhou Buyi couldn't help laughing.

"Why are you laughing, Mr. Zhou?" Cao Zhi said dissatisfied.

"Do you know where the most elephants are? Where did this elephant come from?" Zhou Bu asked.

"It is recorded in the book that he came to the south of Jiaozhou." Cao Zhi said.

"Whose territory is Jiaozhou?" Zhou Buyi asked again.

Cao Zhi's face turned red immediately.

"Whose property is this restaurant?" Zhou Buyi questioned his soul.

"Mi's!" The shopkeeper replied.

"Brother Zijian, did you hear that?" Zhou Buyi patted Cao Zhi on the shoulder and asked.

Cao Zhi was ashamed!

Why didn't you think of this when you first chose the location?

Who knew Zhou Busu suspected so many things!

Now Cao Zhi cannot come to Taiwan.

"Brother Zijian, is he out of pocket?" Zhou Bu asked in doubt.

Which pot does not open which pot.

For the sake of face, Cao Zhi of course shook his head.

"That's good. Originally, I wanted to ask the shopkeeper for a discount, but now it seems that I don't need it. Uncle Mi Shi knows me very well." Zhou Bu doubted.


Was tricked by Zhou Buxu!

Cao Zhi hates it!

"Dare to ask this young master's name?" The shopkeeper suddenly asked.

"Zhou Buyi."

"It turned out to be your old man who came to visit, or the fee will be waived?" asked the shopkeeper.

"It's not easy to do business, and Zijian is not short of money." Zhou Bu doubted.

Cao Zhi hesitated to speak, struggling in his heart, no, he must stick to his heart!

The hateful Zhou Buyi never wants to be shaken!

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