By the way, what is it called?


"I didn't expect Yangzhou to develop to such an extent." Cao Zhi sighed.

"Everyone thinks that Yangzhou's strength lies in its military industry, such as ballistas and catapults, but it is not the case. The development of civilian use is beyond imagination, and new things are born every year." Zhou Bu doubted.

"Taught!" Cao Zhi said.

"This pulley is an important theory of the teacher, and the first batch of products was manufactured by the brothers themselves, and then they continued to improve and become better and better. Zijian, you ask how to weigh this kind of question, it's a bit embarrassing Ah." Cao Pi said.

"Hmph, didn't elder brother hide such a good thing and didn't tell us?" Cao Zhi said.

"This is my promise to senior brother, I dare not disobey it." Cao Pi said.

At this point, there is no point in arguing.

They wanted to slap Zhou Busu in the face, but now they were slapped in the face instead.

Cao Zhi was ashamed.

"Okay, let's start apologizing!" Zhou Bu doubted.


Cao Zhi suddenly remembered that as long as Zhou Buyi could weigh the elephant, he would promise to apologize.

But his attitude is so humble, why is Zhou Buyi still clinging to this point?

"Why, brother Zijian wants to play tricks?" Zhou Bu doubted.

"Sorry, I don't know Mount Tai!" Cao Zhi said.

If you are willing to bet and admit defeat, Cao Zhi can afford it.However, his impression of Zhou Buyi plummeted in an instant.

This person is just a melon skin, and he doesn't know a little bit about the world!

"Since this is the case, the Poetry Club will continue. We are a Poetry Club, let's compete in poetry and prose. The others are just heresy." Yang Xiudao.

This sentence saved Cao Zhi a little face.

"Yes, how does Mr. Zhou feel about the poetry competition?"

"Poetry? Are you sure? My poetry is not only the best in the world, but also ranked in the top three." Zhou Bu doubted, speaking very loudly.

If it weren't for Liu Ke's existence, Zhou Buyi would have directly said that he was number one.

"Young Master Zhou is a student of the Marquis of Dongyang, so you have to be responsible for what you say," Cao Zhi said.

"Don't worry, what I said, no one has succeeded in slapping the face so far. If you don't believe me, Zijian Xian, you can come and have a try." Zhou Bu doubted.

"Okay!" Cao Zhi wished he could roll up his sleeves immediately and write a famous article through the ages.

"How about this? We are all young talents, and they were all the best people at that time. If you rack your brains, the poems you write will fall into inferior grades. You might as well increase the difficulty." Zhou Buyi said.

"I would like to hear more about it." Cao Zhi clasped his hands. He was very confident in his journey of poetry and Taoism, and he had never lost.

Cao Cao himself is a master of literature, but he is full of praise for Cao Zhi.

"How about this, let's draw a circle here, with fifty steps as a circle, and let me lead the walk, and see how many steps everyone can make a poem." Zhou Buyi said.

The reason why we have to lead the way is to keep everyone in the same pace, and the time for thinking is about the same.

As soon as this remark came out, there was an immediate uproar.

"What? Fifty steps to make a poem? Is a good poem really like rice?"

"Could it take a long time to walk one step?"

On this point, Zhou Buyi quickly refuted, saying: "One step should not exceed one breath."

Really detonated the audience!

"What if everyone can't write poems and essays?" someone asked.

"Naturally, I'm counted as the winner. After all, I'm at the front." Zhou Bu doubted.

Never seen such a brazen person!

It turned out that this guy had such an idea!

Everyone suddenly realized that, just as they were about to refuse, Cao Zhi took a step forward and said, "Okay, the limit is fifty steps!"

Even Yang Xiu was not calm anymore, and persuaded:

"My lord, don't agree to him, he is obviously playing a scoundrel!"

"It's okay, I'm confident." Cao Zhi puffed up his chest.

"Brother Zijian Xian has ambition, unlike some people who dare not accept any challenge." Zhou Bu doubted.

"Who are you talking about?"

"It was you who was talking about it!" Zhou Buyi pointed at the person who spoke, without giving any face, and he didn't have to give face to anyone.

The man trembled with anger and almost fainted.

However, in the presence, some people still felt that Zhou Buyi had played a big game and this person was Cao Pi, and he knew Zhou Buyi very well.

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