Zhou Buyi has a very good mind, but he is not as good at poetry as Cao Pi.

Compared with the genius Cao Zhi, he is still inferior.

Seven hundred and seventieth chapters seven steps into a poem

"Brother Zijian, if my guess is correct, poetry should be your best?" Zhou Buyi asked maliciously.

Cao Zhi was stunned for a moment, did Zhou Busu want to go back on his word?

With Zhou Buyi's character, he can really do it!

However, Cao Zhi did not intend to deny it, and said: "Poetry and prose are indeed my specialty, is Brother Zhou afraid?"

"I'm really scared." Zhou Buyi said, "I'm afraid that when you lose to me in the field you are best at, your confidence will be hit and you won't be able to bear it."

"You...have the ability to let the horse come here!" Cao Zhi gritted his teeth authentically.

He will lose?

how can that be.

In terms of poetry and prose, Cao Zhi is not only talented, but also very hardworking. After all, this is related to the great cause of winning the throne.

Cao Zhi is not as well-rounded as Cao Pi. For government affairs, he can only understand it, but it is very difficult to deal with it.

In order to please Cao Cao, Cao Zhi could only work hard on poetry.

Regardless of spring, summer, autumn and winter, Cao Zhi always holds scrolls, which can be described as well-intentioned.

"Let's wait and see." Zhou Buyi said confidently.

Before the competition even started, swords were already on the verge of breaking out.

"Who is asking questions?"

This time it is not only about talent, but also about speed.

The question is very important, and the party who masters the question must be very beneficial.

"Zihuan is my younger brother and your elder brother, so he will definitely be impartial, why not let him come up with the questions." Zhou Bu doubted.

Tmd, I've never seen you so shameless!

Cao Zhi almost yelled, Cao Pi is his elder brother, but the two are in a competitive relationship, Cao Pi wished that he would make a fool of himself!

What would Cao Cao think of him if he knew that he had lost the poetry competition?

Impression points will definitely drop!

And Cao Pi was also very excited at the moment, Zhou Buyi, the bastard, finally called him by his name instead of Pidi Pidi... This feeling of being respected is really good.

"I object!" Yang Xiu stood up and said.

Cao Pi is Cao Zhi's elder brother. In order to respect his elder brother, Cao Zhi is embarrassed to object.At this time, the number one boy could only speak out, and Yang Xiu seized the opportunity to perform.

"Why do you object?" Zhou Bu asked.

"Mr. Cao Pi is not suitable for writing questions." Yang Xiu said.

"Could it be that you look down on Brother Pi's talent and learning?" Zhou Buyi took a hat off directly.

Yang Xiu would definitely not be fooled, and quickly explained: "No, you are a guest, Mr. Cao Pi and Mr. Cao Zhi are both masters, and Mr. Cao Pi will definitely favor the guests if he writes the question."

Cao Pi was convinced by this explanation, and Zhou Buyi couldn't fault it.

"Well, I'll ask the prime minister to come up with a question." Zhou Bu doubted.

Cao Zhi's face turned pale with fright, and Cao Cao told him not to be suspicious.Now Cao Zhi's action is already rebellious... In addition, Cao Zhi has always been simple and simple, and now he suddenly spends a lot of money to hold a poetry meeting, what will Cao Cao think?

The original plan was that Cao Zhi slapped Zhou Buyi in the face, and then reported to Cao Cao.This thing is perfect!

After all, it is Wendou, Zhou Buyi is not as talented as others, and no one dares to say "no".

Cao Cao also hated Zhou Buyi, but it was difficult to make a move.If Cao Zhi did this perfectly, he would definitely be rewarded and even supported by Qinghe Cui.

But the premise is the word "perfect". Now it's a mess here. Cao Cao was invited here... Cao Zhi thought he would be beaten and cried.

Of course Yang Xiu also considered this point, and said: "The prime minister is busy with business, so there is no need to disturb him, right?"

"This doesn't work, and that doesn't work. In the whole of Xuchang, isn't there even a respectable elder?" Zhou Buyi shouted.

Directly offended the Xuchang literary world!

But Zhou Buyi didn't care at all, and his expression was a little smug.

Cao Zhi's face suddenly became ugly. He is the organizer of the poetry meeting, and Zhou Buyi is slapping him in the face!

"Isn't there one person here who can write a question?" Yang Xiu said.


"Yuan Yu!"

Everyone looked at Ruan Yu one after another. This person is Zhou Buyi's senior brother, and he was also invited by Cao Zhi. He has a good relationship with both parties.

"I agree!"

Cao Zhi was worried that there would be another moth, so he hurriedly said.

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