Ruan Yu works in Xuchang, he knows how to choose, could it be that he offended Cao Zhi in order to please Zhou Buyi?

Smart people don't do that.

No matter how good Zhou Buyi is, he can't control Xuchang.

Cao Zhi has agreed, and the next step is to see Zhou Buyi's opinion.

"My brother, I can trust it."

"It's better to obey orders than to be respectful," Ruan Yu said.

everything's ready.

"Everyone line up and follow me." Zhou Bu doubted.

Soon everyone lined up in an orderly manner.

"I'll take the first step after the question is set. Prepare yourself. I won't wait for you." Zhou Bu doubted.

"Are you ready?" Ruan Yu asked.

Zhou Buyi and Cao Zhi nodded together, as for the others, Ruan Yu didn't care.

"Please use the beast as the subject."

Cao Zhi's eyes lit up, "Shan Hai Jing" is one of his favorite books.

Ruan Yu clearly favored him!

Cao Zhi secretly glanced at Zhou Busu, and the former scratched his ears and cheeks, which made him feel relieved, but he quickly calmed down and began to think hard.

Zhou Buyi took the first step!

The crowd followed.

They suddenly found that following this way, they didn't have the mind to think about poetry...

Zhou Buyi is very scheming!

They gnash their teeth, but the established rules cannot be changed.In short, they will not admit that the reason for their stupidity is that they have no ink in their stomachs.

Everything is Zhou Bu doubt's fault!

Zhou Buyi suddenly became a sinner.

Zhou Buyi walked step by step in front, and the people behind wanted to break his legs to make him walk more slowly.

However, Zhou Buyi didn't intend to take care of them. After the sixth step, he paused for a moment. After the seventh step fell, he directly deviated from the planned track and came straight to the case table, flying around.

Everyone's jaws dropped in shock, so fast?

Of course, there are also people who don't believe in evil, saying that Zhou Buyi is playing tricks.

"No, Zhou Buyi is disturbing our train of thought, we were all deceived by him!"

"Zhou Buyi, this little liar!"

But Yang Xiu's heart skipped a beat. He didn't believe that Zhou Buyi would be grandstanding on such an occasion, so he simply gave up the competition and came to Zhou Buyi's side to observe.

There are strange birds in the forest, and they say they are phoenixes.

In the Qing Dynasty, they drank Liquan and lived on hills day and night.

Gao Ming penetrates Kyushu, stretching his neck to look at the eight wastelands.

It coincides with the rise of the business wind, and the wings are self-destructing.

Once you go to the west of Kunlun, when will you return to flying.

But hate is not in place, and hatred hurts the heart.

This is a "Song of Huai" written by Ruan Ji, the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove, and Ruan Ji is the son of Ruan Yu, the seventh son of Jian'an, who has not yet been born.

This poem was born out of nowhere, of course it is Liu Ke's masterpiece, but Liu Ke didn't use it to promote it everywhere.

Now Zhou Buyi took it out directly, shocking everyone.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Everyone didn't believe Zhou Busu, and looked at Yang Xiu one after another.

Yang Xiu had a bitter face, he couldn't tell lies, right?

"The poem is done."

Yang Xiu is also an arrogant person, and he can make Yang Xiu say the word "success", which shows that Zhou Buyi is not just fooling people with a rubbish poem.

It's still unbelievable.

How many steps did Zhou Busu take?Only seven steps!

Cao Zhi looked at his feet, feeling ashamed.Is there any need to go on?

The pride in my heart was shattered just like that.

Yang Xiu saw that everyone had no intention of composing poems, so he picked up Zhou Buyi's poems and recited them.

Sure enough, a wonderful chapter!

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