Because Yang Xiu repeatedly said good things about Cao Zhi in front of Cao Cao, Cao Cao was bored and ignored him.

How could such a talented person who is not for the future but only for friends, seek refuge with Zhou Buyi?

The reason why Zhou Buyi said that was to slap them in the face with his talent.

This feeling is really cool.

"Haha, Yang Dezu, don't hurry to announce the victory. Do you want to bully me? Although I have no roots in Xuchang, don't forget that there are [-] Yangzhou troops in Runan! I advise you to be kind!" Zhou Buyi road.

Md, if you rush the ball, can you shock me again?

Yang Xiu secretly hated.

Zhou Buyi is talented, but his character is really not that good!

Yang Xiu glanced at Cao Zhi, Cao Zhi looked ashamed and nodded silently.

Since you dare to play, you must afford to lose!

This time Cao Zhi admits it!

"I announce that Zhou Buyi won the poetry competition." Yang Xiu said decisively.

Cao Zhi slumped on the chair all of a sudden, and took a sip of mulled wine.

A word of gold,

A poem with 32 characters is worth thirty-two thousand gold!

Cao Zhi can't control his hands anymore, isn't he just writing and selling?Think of it as calligraphy practice!

It's good to put some pressure on yourself.

But how to get the money now?

Cao Zhi had a headache.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Cao Zhi finally understood why someone would turn their hair white overnight.

It's all worry!

He suddenly had a lot of writing and thinking, and with the current experience, it would not be a big deal to write a dozen articles.

Cao Zhi's side was downcast.

Zhou Buyi laughed loudly and said:

"Brother Zijian, you are not bad, you gave me a chance to show off."

Damn, is this consolation?

It's clearly a sarcasm.

"You have lost your reputation now, what do you think?"

You're the one with a bad reputation, your whole family is~

Cao Zhi gritted his teeth with hatred, but he did lose.

"I don't feel ashamed at all when I lost to Zhou Cai. I can make a poem in seven steps, and a poem in five steps. I can't do it."

This is Cao Zhi's self-comfort.

"That's right, it's not shameful to lose to me. It's just that when will you give me the [-] gold?" Zhou Bu doubted, "Speaking of which, it was Ding Yi who saved your life. , maybe after I walk eight steps, it won’t be thirty-two characters.”

The corner of Cao Zhi's mouth twitched, but he had experienced some wind and rain, and these small obstacles would not trouble him.

"Brother Zhou, please allow some time. Thirty thousand gold is not a small amount."

"You are wrong, it is thirty-two thousand gold." Zhou Buyi shook his head and corrected.

Cao Zhi's teeth itch with hatred, is it necessary to do this?

"Okay, thirty-two thousand gold!"

"Well, children can be taught." Zhou Buyi suddenly said in a teacher's tone.

"However, there must be a specific time. Brother Zijian, you also know that I will not be staying in Xuchang for a long time. After all, no one wants to see me."

Even if you have self-knowledge, you know that you are not liked by others.

"Tomorrow!" Cao Zhi gritted his teeth and said a date.

Ding Yi was taken aback, he didn't have so much money in his pocket!

But Cao Zhi has already said it out, and now it is impossible to go back on his word.

"Tomorrow will be tomorrow, and there will be so many tomorrows. I hope Brother Zijian will keep this sentence in mind." Zhou Buyi urged.

"Don't bother Brother Zhou!" Cao Zhi said angrily.

"That's right, the prime minister is rich and powerful, and there is no shortage of this money." Zhou Bu doubted.

Well done, why do you want to involve Cao Cao?

This is a threat!

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