It's only a day's grace, and you're threatening before you renege on your debt?

"You don't have to bother my father with such trivial matters. Even if I pawn the books, I will give out the [-]...[-] gold!" Cao Zhi gritted his teeth.

"Okay, okay, actually, I have a compromise." Zhou Buyi said.

Although Cao Zhi knew it was a trap, he couldn't help but jump down.

Because of poverty.

"any solution?"

"I'm short of a bookboy by my side, if Brother Zijian doesn't mind..."

"I hate it!"

"Thirty-two thousand gold a year! If I am happy, I will give you a bonus."

"Don't do it!"

Cao Zhi refused straight away. How embarrassing it is for the dignified prime minister's son to become a book boy.

"Brother Zijian, my talent and learning are amazing, don't you want to study with me? No wonder you haven't improved all these years!" Zhou Buyi said bitterly.

"..." Cao Zhi.

Please stop talking!

"Look at Brother Pi, he looks like a dog now, he just learned from me, and he will definitely be the son of the world in the future." Zhou Buyi concluded.

"Hmph, stop talking nonsense, do you really think the prime minister dare not punish you?" Yang Xiu said angrily.

Cao Zhi is such a talented person, and Cao Cao likes him so much, how could he choose Cao Pi?

"Of course the prime minister dares, but you don't have the courage." Zhou Bu doubted.

In Cao Cao's territory, you still have to give him face!

This is Zhou Buyi's way of arrogance.

If he was caught by Cao Cao, Zhou Buyi would have a hard time with Liu Ke.

"You..." Yang Xiu exploded in anger.

Zhou Buyi didn't bother to talk to him, and said:

"Are you all okay? Is the poetry meeting over?"

Now who is in the mood to continue participating in the poetry meeting?

Cao Zhi waved his hand, indicating that of course they broke up.

"Okay, since the poetry meeting is over, it's time for me to take revenge." Zhou Buyi said viciously.


What hatred?

Ding Yi woke up suddenly, slipped and ran to the stairs.

How could Zhou Buyi please him?With a snap of his fingers, two guards stopped him directly.

"Ding Yi, is this gong fun?"

Ding Yi was so frightened that he shivered, and said: "Young Master Zhou, you have already won, so don't embarrass the little one?"

"You caused me to lose money. It was sixty-four characters, but you beat the gongs and drums and changed it to thirty-two characters. Will you pay it back?" Zhou Bu doubted.

Of course Ding Yi wanted to lose money, but where did he get so much money?

"Master Zhou, I have no money!"

At the same time, Ding Yi looked to Cao Zhi for help.After all, he was working for Cao Zhi, so he couldn't just leave him alone, right?

"Brother Zhou, don't embarrass Zhengli, he is eager to protect the Lord." Cao Zhi said quickly.

However, Zhou Buyi didn't appreciate it.

"Compensation of [-] gold, or be beaten by me, choose one!"

Is that even a question?

A beating of course!

Ding Yi went to justice generously, with a tragic expression, anyway, he was beaten for Cao Zhi, it was worth it!

Zhou Buyi saw determination from Ding Yi's face, and said: "Call me! You only have twenty breaths, I want to see his nose bruised and face swollen!"

The guards rushed forward, punching and kicking Ding Yi.

"Don't slap your face! Don't slap your face!" Ding Yi firmly protected her face.

"Take your hands away, or I'll scald you with boiling water." Zhou Buyi threatened.

Hearing this sentence, Ding Yi's urine exploded.

If Zhou Buyi dares to speak, he dares to act.

After a while, Ding Yi's nose was bruised and her face was swollen.

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