Cao Pi curled his lips and didn't continue to argue with Zhou Buyu. Anyway, in the end, it was always him who suffered.

This time Zhou Buyi still helped a lot, and severely suppressed Cao Zhi's arrogance.

Cao Pi worked so hard to control the locust plague in Bingzhou, which made the relationship between Cao Zhi and Cao Cao even closer.

Who will be reconciled?

Cao Pi has been waiting for the moment when Cao Zhi made a mistake. No, Cao Zhi fought with Zhou Buyi for the sake of morale, and the result was that his body was bruised.

"Thank you, brother, for taking the shot!"

"You're welcome, if you can find a way to get Cao Zhi to Yangzhou, I promise he will never come back." Zhou Bu doubted.

"Oh, it's not been a day or two since my father loves Zijian, but I can't do it." Cao Pi sighed.

"Just because you can't do it, doesn't mean anyone can't do it." Zhou Bu doubted.

"Brother, are you going to attack again?" Cao Pi said, a little excited.Get Cao Zhi away, Cao Pi couldn't wish for it.

"I don't do things that are not beneficial, but there is one person under your command who can do it." Zhou Bu doubted.

"Who?" Cao Pi asked suspiciously.

"Sima Yi! This guy is not good-looking, and one look at him will make people know that he has a bad stomach. It makes sense for the prime minister not to reuse him." Zhou Bu doubted.

"Zhong Da is my best friend. If there is a good way, he will tell me." Cao Pi said.

"You don't care what method he uses, whether it's good or bad, as long as you give an order to let Sima Yi get Cao Zhi to Yangzhou, he will be able to do it." Zhou Bu doubted.

"Senior brother, why are you so afraid of Zhongda?" Cao Pi asked.

"Hey, the teacher said that he is a talented person who can rival Kong Ming. Although he is a little worse than me, he still has the ability." Zhou Bu doubted.

"I see."

"In the future, he can become your dog-headed military adviser, make good use of him."

Zhou Buyi stayed in Cao Pi's mansion for a day and didn't go anywhere.

Sure enough, Cao Zhi sent someone to send [-] gold.

Although Zhou Buyi was rich and had countless money to use, he really didn't have much that belonged to him.

It's really good news to get the [-] gold by virtue of wit and talent.

It's just that the people who came to give money were not so easy to dismiss.

"Do you know who I am?" a six or seven-year-old kid said proudly.

"With your ass, you can know that you are Cao Chong." Zhou Bu doubted.

"Hey, how did you know?" Cao Chong asked in surprise.

"I am so famous, but who dares to fart in front of me, besides the child prodigy Cao Chong?" Zhou Buyi said as a matter of course.

"Sure enough, you have some skills." Cao Chong pointed Jiang Shan as if authentic.

"Hey, everyone says you're smart, but besides being able to call images, what else can you do?" Zhou Bu asked.

This sentence was very hurtful, Cao Chong actually understood the meaning of the sarcasm, and immediately waved his hand, telling his subordinates to come forward and brag.

A young servant recounted Cao Chong's deeds.

Due to the chaos of war and the numerous affairs of the court, Cao Cao imposed heavier punishments.

Once Cao Cao's saddle was bitten by a mouse in the warehouse. The officials in charge of the warehouse were very frightened. Cao Cao is both civil and military, and he often goes out to war. The saddle is an important item. Now that it is broken, he may lose his head.

The treasury official thought about turning himself in and admitting his guilt, but he was still afraid that he would not be exonerated.

Cao Chong said to him, "wait for three days before you surrender yourself." The treasury official obeyed his arrangement.

The next day, Cao Chong pierced his gorgeous clothes with a knife, as if bitten by a mouse, and then went to meet Cao Cao with a worried look on his face.

Cao Cao asked him what happened, and Cao Chong replied: "It is a folk custom that if a mouse bites on clothes, the owner will be unlucky. Now the clothes are bitten, so I feel sad."

After hearing what his son said, Cao Cao comforted him, "That's nonsense, don't worry about it."

Not long after, the treasury official reported the mouse biting the saddle to Cao Cao. Cao Cao said with a smile: "My son's clothes are with me, and if he was bitten, what about the saddle hanging on the post?" official.


This was just one of the messy little things, and Zhou Buyi felt drowsy after hearing it.

"Okay, okay, I know that you are very good. What, do you want to challenge me?"

"No, I'm here to apprentice." Cao Chong said seriously.

Zhou Busu almost spit out a sip of tea.

"Can you say that again?"

"I'm here to worship."

"This sentence sounds cool, but I won't promise you." Zhou Bu doubted.

"Why?" Cao Chong was extremely puzzled.

"Zihuan is my younger brother and also your elder brother. If you become my student, what will you call Zihuan?"

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