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"Uncle Master!"

Cao Chong thought for a while before arriving at this answer.

"Your elder brother has become your senior uncle, are you willing to grow up with you?" Zhou Bu doubted.

"I think it's okay!" Cao Chong said.

"Well, I'll make it clear, you're such a stinky fart, I won't accept you as a student." Zhou Buyi said firmly.

"I can change it, and I will also be modest." Cao Chong said.

You bring a bragging boy by your side, tell me now that you will be humble?

"Humility is not an act, but a quality." Zhou Buyi taught earnestly.

"If I'm not humble, why would I ask you to be my teacher?" Cao Chong said.

Zhou Buyi choked directly.

This is clearly a little urchin!

Still the kind that can't be bothered.

"Haha, don't you come here because I'm handsome?" Zhou Bu doubted.

"There is also this reason." Cao Chong said.

"You can flatter me at a young age, I can't accept it." Zhou Buyi shook his head.

"Then do you lack a book boy?" Cao Chong asked unwillingly.

"Quiet." Zhou Bu doubted.

"What do you think of me?" Cao Chong asked with his eyes wide open.

"You can't." Zhou Buyi refused.

"Why?" Cao Chong asked.

Where do you get so much why?

Zhou Buyi didn't want to answer, but he was afraid that Cao Chong would pester him endlessly, so he simply gave him a dead reply:

"Can you carry a hundred catties of books on your back?"

Cao Chong looked at his small body, and answered seriously: "Yes!"

"How do you recite it?" Zhou Buyi doubted.

"Big bull and two bulls!"

With a shout, two big men came out from behind Cao Chong, both of them were muscular.

"As my book boy, I have to recite it by myself, and I absolutely can't ask anyone to help me." Zhou Bu doubted.

Cao Chong was so anxious that he almost cried.

Seeing Zhou Buyi bullying his younger brother without conscience, Cao Pi hurriedly said, "Cang Shu, ignore him, he has no ability to accept you as a disciple."

"Why?" Cao Chong asked.

"Without the permission of the Marquis of Dongyang, how dare he accept students privately?" Cao Pi said.

"So that's it, you're playing tricks on me!" Cao Chong said angrily.

"It's good that you know." Zhou Bu doubted.

"You're not a few years older than me, so why bother?" Cao Chong said.

Little brat, with such an aggressive tone?

Zhou Busu smiled and said:

"Although you can't be my student or my school boy, you can still go to Yangzhou to play."

"Really?" Cao Chong asked eagerly.

"Of course it is true. You must know that smart people usually die young. Someone as smart as you will definitely not live to my age." Zhou Buyi said.

"You lied, you can live so long, why can't I?" Cao Chong said.

"Because I met a nobleman! My teacher is my nobleman, and I will be your nobleman, as long as you and I go to Yangzhou." Zhou Buyi said.

There is actually a feeling of abducting and selling children.

However, if you can really fool a child prodigy to Yangzhou, it seems not bad.

Zhou Buyi thought happily.

However, Cao Pi would not allow this kind of thing to happen, and quickly scolded: "Cang Shu, don't make promises casually, did your father allow you to do this?"

As soon as Cao Cao was mentioned, Cao Chong's face became a little unnatural.

Cao Cao loves him very much, but it is precisely because of this that he will not let him leave Xuchang, or go to a place as far away as Yangzhou.

It can be said that Cao Cao likes the son of Cao Zhi because he is talented.But I love Cao Chong even more. Cao Chong was born with weak and sickly body, which makes people fall in love.

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