It would be fine if he was ignorant, but it's a pity that Cao Chong was wise early.

In many cases, it was Cao Chong who comforted Cao Cao in turn.

Cao Cao fought all his life, but lost to Liu Ke. He had many defeats. One can imagine how he felt when such a young son knew how to comfort him.

"Father will agree." Cao Chong said perfunctorily.

"Hmph, if you continue to think wildly, I will definitely sue my father." Cao Pi threatened.

However, seeing Cao Pi's overbearing brother's side, Zhou Buyi was upset.

"Brother Pi, how can you scare children?"

The corner of Cao Pi's mouth twitched, who made the first scare?

You also said you died young!

Zhou Buyi didn't care about these things, and said: "Cangshu is weak, so he should live in Yangzhou. Not only can he avoid the bloody disaster, but he can also maintain his health. Is there a safer place than Yangzhou? Is there a better medical condition than Yangzhou?" place?"

"I understand what you said, but what does this bloody disaster mean?" Cao Chong asked doubtfully.

"I see that your seal has turned black." Zhou Bu doubted.

It was all Liu Ke's way of dealing with him, and Zhou Buyi followed suit.

"What does it mean that Yintang is black?" Cao Chong asked.

Are you tm one hundred thousand why?

Zhou Buyi was already impatient, so he said perfunctorily, "It's just that you are going to be unlucky, so don't ask any more, just ask if you want to go to Yangzhou to play, it's a matter of men, where did you come from?"

"If my father doesn't allow it, I can't do it either." Cao Chong said.

"Then go ask your prime minister's father." Zhou Buyi said angrily.

"Oh." Cao Chong replied, and then he really left and went back to the Prime Minister's Mansion.

As soon as I arrived at the study, I heard the sound of crackling and smashing porcelain.

"Zijian, I always thought you were mature and steady, why are you so reckless this time?" Cao Cao asked.

"Father, Zhou Buyi is arrogant and domineering. Of course he can't bear to beat a minister. We can't do it directly. I will find another way, starting with poetry." Cao Zhi said with his head down.

"The result?" Cao Cao asked.

"Zhou Buyi made a poem in seven steps, and a poem in five steps. We lost." Cao Zhi replied truthfully.

Although Cao Cao was angry, he still had reason.His son knew that Cao Zhi was a genius, but Zhou Buyi was also a freak.

"Forget about it, I'll punish you for a month of confinement, will you accept it?"

"Father, the child must learn from this lesson." Cao Zhi said.

"Very good, I hope you can cultivate a good temper, you know, there is a sky beyond the sky, and there are people beyond people." Cao Cao said.

"Yes!" Cao Zhi said loudly.

"Go down." Cao Cao waved his hand wearily, he didn't have the heart to deal with the pile of official documents on the case table.

It just so happened that Cao Chong walked in at this time and exchanged glances with Cao Zhi.

Cao Chong cupped his hands in worship, Cao Zhi just nodded.

"Cang Shu, you're back? The mission is complete?" Cao Cao said.

It turned out that the money that Zhou Buyu received was from Cao Cao, so it was hard for him to be a father.

"Father, the task has been completed, Zhou Buyi is very satisfied." Cao Chong said,

"That's good." Cao Cao said happily.

"It's just that Zhou Buyi said that my seal is black, I'm afraid there will be a bloody disaster, and I may not live to his age. And he is my nobleman, let me stay in Yangzhou for a few years." Cao Chong said.

Cao Cao objected subconsciously: "You are weak and cannot withstand long distances, so don't listen to Zhou Buyi's nonsense."

"Yes, father." Cao Chong said obediently.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

But Cao Cao still has concerns in his heart, because Dongyang Hou is a strange person, and so is Zhou Buyi.

What if you really see some problems?

As for Zhou Buyi fooling Cao Chong into taking Yangzhou as a hostage, the idea just passed in his mind, and Cao Cao didn't care at all.

Do Dongyanghou still need these things to deal with him?

Cao Cao thought to himself mockingly.

Zhou Buyi stayed in Xuchang for another three days, and Simpi finally completed the task.

This time when Zhou Buyi came to Xuchang, he had two missions. One was to pay tribute to Xi Zhicai. It was a pity that this genius died young.

The other is to investigate the movement of Xuchang.

Zhou Bu doubted that the goal was too big, so he arranged for Xin Pi to take charge.

Xin Pi's open investigation and unannounced visit did not disappoint Zhou Buyi.

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