Is Liu Ke going to give up development and resort to militarism?

Moreover, Liu Ke knew exactly what kind of soldiers Xiliang was. Once they were allowed to enter Guanzhong, their lives would be ruined.

Qiang people don't care about Liu Ke's rules.

Will Liu Ke clean up Xiliang together?

If you really want to do this, Yangzhou will not be as simple as being hollowed out.

The credit system established by Liu Ke will completely collapse.Anyway, after recuperating for a few years, Liu Ke can also defeat Cao Cao, so there is no need to rush.

But Ma Dai came to ask for reinforcements, and now the reinforcements have not been invited, so of course he is anxious.

"Dongyanghou, Uncle Ma Teng was ruthlessly beheaded by Cao Cao. This matter cannot be good. Therefore, I hope you can help us. As long as you defeat Cao Cao, you will be the well-deserved master of the world. Why not do it?" ?” Ma Dai asked eagerly.

Liu Ke could not persuade Ma Dai with his words, so he took out the military expenditure report summed up by Lu Su to Liu Ke in the last war.

This time the audience was replaced by Ma Dai.

Ma Dai just glanced at it, and his scalp became numb in an instant.

Besides Yangzhou, who else can afford the hundreds of millions of military expenses?

"Yangzhou has no money to send troops." Liu Ke said.

Liu Ke didn't know if Ma Dai could understand this concept, but this was his explanation.

"Yangzhou is exhausted. If another war breaks out and the system collapses, I will not allow such a thing to happen."

"Marquis of Dongyang, isn't there anything we can do?" Ma Dai said.

"Yangzhou has not been able to fight in the past few years. You chose the wrong time." Liu Ke said.

In this battle, Ma Chao couldn't even breathe, and suddenly broke out.

Now Liu Ke is needed to help, but Liu Ke is not prepared at all.

Seeing Ma Dai's eager and disappointed eyes, Liu Ke said bluntly: "Xiliang is a land of war, I have dealt with Cao Cao, and you will be next. So, you are looking for the wrong person when you come to me for help. "

Liu Ke's allies are good, but it also depends on the occasion.At the beginning, Cao Cao and Yuan Shao were very powerful, and they had the courage to fight against Liu Ke when they joined forces.

Now that Yuan Shao is gone, Cao Cao can't support himself alone, so there is no need for Liu to rely on foreign forces.

Compared with the intrigues of the princes, Liu Ke is much kinder.

So Ma Dai accepted this explanation.

"We have to rely on ourselves!" Ma Dai secretly made up his mind.

"Although I can't send troops, I can give you a suggestion." Liu Ke said.

"Please tell the Marquis of Dongyang clearly," Ma Dai said.

"The coalition forces will be defeated," Liu Ke said.

"Why?" Ma Dai was surprised, their army was evenly matched with Cao Cao, and no one was afraid of anyone.

Cao Cao's army was fully armored, but the Xiliang soldiers fought bravely, making up for the gap between the two sides.

"The coalition army has two brains, one Ma Mengqi and the other Han Wenyue. This is the way to bring disaster." Liu Ke said.

"No, elder brother is false and submissive. In order to fight against Cao Cao, it can be said that he is going all out." Ma Dai said.

"It's because of this that things can't be done." Liu Ke said, "Ma Mengqi lowered his status and was willing to be a small man, but it was just on the surface. He was extremely proud in his heart, and when he couldn't bear it, he would part ways with Han Sui."

Ma Chao can afford to disagree once, but what about twice?

Conflicts will eventually erupt.

Ma Dai knew Ma Chao well, so he knew what Liu Ke said was right, but what's the use of it?

Could it be possible to retreat?

Everyone will not be convinced.

Only continue to attack until the army is defeated, otherwise it will not stop.

"Although I can't send troops to help you, you can ask the Huns for help." Liu Ke said.

Ma Dai's eyes lit up, why didn't he think of it?

After the last World War, the Huns became Liu Ke's vassals.

Both Liu Qubei and Hu Chuquan were "studying" in Dongyang City.

If you can get the help of the Xiongnu army, the odds of this victory will be much higher.

"Remember the Autumn Hunting Agreement. If Xiliang soldiers plunder the people, I can tell you clearly that we are the enemy." Liu Ke warned.

This is Liu Ke's bottom line, and it is also the price for letting the Huns participate in the war.

"Don't worry, Marquis Dongyang, brother must strictly enforce the military law." Ma Dai said.

As for whether Hu Chuquan and Liu Qubei will agree to this matter, Liu Ke can give the answer directly.

Will definitely agree!

They will not let go of this opportunity to return to the grassland to take control of the military.

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