-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The princes in the Guanzhong area were very wary of Cao Cao.

On the surface they profess ministers to the court, but in fact they have a lot of selfishness.In this era, everyone wants to compete in the Central Plains. How could Ma Chao and others give up such a good place in Guanzhong.

Cao Cao was defeated in the south, losing to Yangzhou.He urgently needs a place to vent and build prestige, and Guanzhong is the most suitable for Cao Cao's expectations.

However, the Guanzhong area bowed its head to the court, and Cao Cao was always embarrassed to attack them.

So he chose Zhang Lu as his target.

Unexpectedly, the princes in Guanzhong were afraid that Cao Cao would "destroy Guo and take Yu", and brazenly rebelled.

Why treason?

As mentioned earlier, Han Sui, Ma Chao and others were court ministers, and rebelling against the court is not treason.

After the Xiliang coalition forces dispatched troops, Cao Cao had a reason to attack the Guanzhong area in an upright manner.

At this time, it is important to be well-known as a teacher, and to gain more help than to lose.

The Xiliang coalition forces obviously do not occupy morality.

The grievances between Cao Cao and the Ma family have a long history. Ma Chao went his own way in Xiliang, and Ma Teng made troubles in the capital.

Among them, Ma Chao angered Cao Cao even more, that is, he joined forces with Yangzhou and coveted Chang'an.If Cao Ren didn't stick to it, Chang'an would have been lost long ago.

Cao Cao thought that he was not Yangzhou's opponent, so he could only start by cutting off the threat and expanding the territory by the way.

If it weren't for Xi Zhicai's serious illness and some arrangements were difficult to implement, the battle would have started long ago.

After the defeat of the second anti-Liu Ke alliance, Cao Cao decided to cultivate his body and mind, become a transparent person, and no longer appear in front of Liu Ke.

But Sima Yi remonstrated strongly, saying: "If the prime minister doesn't take advantage of Yangzhou's exhaustion to eradicate the enemy, is he going to sit and wait for death?"

Only then did Cao Cao secretly plot to capture Zhang Lu in Hanzhong, which led to two big fishes, Han Sui and Ma Chao.

Han Sui and Ma Chao commanded the Xiliang Allied Forces to be invincible.

Pound, the pioneer in the front, led an army of [-], mighty and mighty, coming all over the mountains and plains.

Cao Ren went out to drink and asked why Xiliang rebelled.

Pang De didn't talk nonsense, so he took a sip of the sword and fought Cao Ren.When they disagreed, Cao Ren knew that he was invincible, so he was defeated and ran away.

Ma Chao and Han Sui led their troops to surround Chang'an.

Cao Ren went to guard the city.Chang'an was the capital of the Western Han Dynasty. The city walls were strong and the trenches were deep and dangerous, and the Allied forces were eager to attack.

Surrounded for ten days in a row, but could not break through.

Pang De suggested: "The soil in Chang'an city is so hard, water, and alkaline that it cannot be eaten, and there is no firewood. The army and the people will be starved after the [-]-day siege. It is better to withdraw the army for now. As long as this is the case, Chang'an is at your fingertips."

"Good." Ma Chao said.

The coalition forces retreated in this way, and Ma Chao personally cut off the rear until the troops and horses of all ministries gradually retreated.

When Chang'an guard Zhong Yao went to the city to watch, the rebels all retreated. Worried about fraud, he hurriedly sent someone to scout, and the rebels really went away, so he was relieved.

So he ordered the soldiers and civilians to go out of the city to collect firewood and water, and opened the city gates wide to let people in and out.

On the fifth day, Ma Chao's soldiers and horses came suddenly again, and the soldiers and civilians rushed into the city.

After the guard Cao Ren let people in, he quickly closed the city gate.

However, soldiers and civilians disguised by Pound eventually mixed into the city.

At night, Pang De launched an attack, lit a big fire, attacked the city gate, beheaded the gate guard Zhong Jin, and led Ma Chao and Han Sui into the city.

Cao Ren and Zhongyou lost to the rebels, lost Chang'an and retreated.After guarding Chang'an for so long, it was finally lost.

The Xiliang Allied Forces entered Tongguan, and the battle of Tongguan also kicked off.

In ancient times, Tongguan was a land of peach forests, bordering Qinling Mountains in the south, Weishui River in the north, and the Yellow River.The Yellow River passes through here to create a barrier to the north of Tongguan, and the geographical location is very dangerous.

The generals of Cao Cao's army who participated in the battle included: Cao Cao, Cao Hong, Cao Ren, Xia Houyuan, Zhu Ling, Yu Jin, Xu Huang, etc. The number of soldiers participating in the battle was as high as [-], all of whom were elites who had experienced the Central Plains War.

The Xiliang Allied Forces included Ma Chao, Han Sui, Hou Xuan, Cheng Yin, Yang Qiu, Li Kan, Zhang Heng, Liang Xing, Cheng Yi, Ma Wan, etc., all commanded separately, and each department was not under the same command.The force is about [-].

There is a difference of about [-] troops, but the Xiliang coalition forces are uneven, and even the commander-in-chief can hardly do it.

By the time Cao Cao's army arrived at Tongguan, Tongguan was already tainted with a strong smell of blood.

"Xiliang has a strong army and is good at using spears. If it is not a well-selected striker, it cannot be resisted." Xia Houyuan reminded.

"The initiative in the war lies with me, not the enemy. Although the enemy is good at using spears, I will prevent them from stabbing. Just watch." Cao Cao said confidently.

To put it so bluntly, the truth is actually very simple, that is, stick to it and avoid field battles with the Xiliang coalition forces.

The generals were worried when they saw the Xiliang coalition troops coming in an endless stream and forming an array below the city.

The Xiliang army is not only strong individually, but now there are so many of them, how can they resist?

Cao Cao was very happy, and said: "The road in Guanzhong is long, if the enemy relies on the terrain to defend, even if I attack with all my strength, it will not be settled within a year or two.

Now all the princes of Guanzhong are gathered here. Although there are many people, they don't like each other. There is no commander-in-chief with enough prestige in the coalition army, and Han Sui can't do it either.

In this way, I can eliminate them in one fell swoop, which is much easier than their own defense. "

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