"General Qi, the number of Cao Cao's army is around [-] to [-]. It is obvious that the former army has just crossed the river. If they are allowed to camp in Hexi'an, the follow-up troops will definitely continue to flow." The deputy general analyzed.

Liang Xing fell into deep thought, his strength was superior and the enemy's camp was not stable.

If you don't attack at this time, when will you wait?

"Attack Cao Cao's army tonight! Drive them all into the river!" Liang Xing made a decision after reviewing the case.

The commanders of Cao Cao's army are Xu Huang and Zhu Ling.

Xu Huang has participated in many major battles. He is both wise and brave, has outstanding military exploits, and manages the army well.

Cao Cao once praised Xu Huang: "General Xu has the style of Zhou Yafu."

Xu Huang is also loyal to Cao Cao. He once said: "The ancients were not troubled by the wise king, but now they are lucky to meet him. They should use their own merits and self-efficacy. What's the use of private reputation!"

As the vanguard coach, Xu Huang has a heavy responsibility.

They set up camp here, and they moved a lot, and it was impossible to hide their whereabouts.

"Send more scouts to detect the enemy's tracks." Xu Huang ordered.

"What is General Xu afraid of? When we crossed the river, without anyone noticing, the Xiliang Allied Forces found out, reported it, and then responded. Our camp has already been built!" Zhu Ling said.

"Be careful, there is no big mistake." Xu Huang said.

This time Zhu Ling was the lieutenant general, so he had no choice but to obey orders.

Three waves of scouts have already been sent out, and no news has been returned.Zhu Ling thought nothing would be discovered.

However, in the evening, the scouts finally sent back important information.

Discover the Xiliang coalition!

Coincidentally, the scouts of Cao Cao's army found the scouts of Xiliang, followed them, and found the temporary station of the Xiliang army with ease.

Unlike Cao Cao's army, the Xiliang coalition army did not build a camp, but directly stationed in the mountain depression.

After Zhu Ling got the news, she was shocked and reported to Xu Huang.

"The general has clever calculations, and he found the Xiliang army."

Zhu Ling recounted what the scouts reported.

"Are you sure the enemy has not set up camp?" Xu Huang asked.

Zhu Ling didn't dare to confirm, so he called the scouts.

"It's true, we looked around and found no signs of logging," said the scout.

The scouts were very careful, which gave Xu Huang great confidence.

"The Xiliang army found our trail, but did not set up camp. They must want to attack at night!" Xu Huang said firmly.

"Hey, that's just right, we're setting up a net here, waiting for them!" Zhu Ling said.

Xu Huang thought the same way at first, but he had a better plan.

"No, we're going to take the initiative and surprise them."

"General, is the risk too great?" Zhu Ling hesitated.

The enemy attacked at night, they ambushed, and at most two or three thousand people were trapped, which did not help the battle situation.

But it is different to take the initiative to attack the camp, and can kill freely.

"My lord is about to cross the river, so we can't leave any hidden dangers," Xu Huang said.

Zhu Ling is not a mother-in-law either, so she immediately waved her fist and said, "Okay, let's have a big fight!"

"Good, let's do it!"

At this time, Liang Xing was resting, waiting for the night to fall. In order to deceive others, he forbade everyone to cook with fire and could only eat some simple dry goods.

Liang Xing bit into the hard piece of meat, it was very unpleasant, if only there was a bowl of hot soup.

Just when Liang Xing was thinking about it, there was a sudden sound of fighting. He stood up abruptly and shouted:

"Get up, go and see what happened."

Liang Xing had an ominous premonition.

"It's not good! It's not good! Cao Cao's army is coming!" The panicked Xiliang soldiers shouted.

"Why are you panicking? We are all Xiliang warriors, so we are afraid of a bird!" Liang Xing said.

Everyone gradually stabilized.

Liang Xing immediately organized troops to fight back.

As soon as he went out, he saw a fierce general holding a double axe, suddenly falling down, a Xiliang warrior died, and blood spattered.

As soon as the ax turned, those who were close to him retreated one after another.

"This is Liang Xing, come and give me your name!" Liang Xing shouted.

"It's the general!"

"The general is here, and he will definitely lead us to victory!"

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