The morale of the Xiliang army suddenly rose, and Liang Xing's appearance gave them great courage.

This is the role of the coach.

"My humble Xu Huang."

With the shout of "Yah Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Yah!", Liang Xing swung his spear and stabbed at Xu Huang.

Xu Huang swung away easily.

"Have you not eaten?"

Faced with Xu Huang's ridicule, Liang Xing was taken aback. Could it be that there were spies in the barracks, otherwise how would Xu Huang know that he hadn't eaten?

"Don't be mad!"

Liang Xing stopped thinking about it, sank into his dantian, and attacked again, danger abounded.

He bit the bullet and fought Xu Huang for more than a dozen rounds, and he knew that he was not an opponent, and if he continued to fight, he might die.

Taking advantage of the moment when the block was separated, Liang Xing returned to the crowd.

"Everyone, together with this general, take down this person!"

What is cheeky?

Only the living have it.

Liang Xing's personal guards rushed forward and fought with Xu Huang.Liang Xing waited for the opportunity to move, and the two sides fought happily.

Suddenly, the mountain col burst into flames.

"No, I fell for it!" Liang Xing said in surprise.

It was Cao Jiang Zhu Ling who secretly kept Chencang.

"Kill! Destroy the Xiliang rebels today!"

Following Zhu Ling's cry, countless Cao Cao troops rushed up, trying to drive Xiliang soldiers into the billowing smoke.

Liang Xing knew that he was invincible, so he quickly led his army to break through.

"Everyone, follow me if you don't want to die!"

The Xiliang rebels had no intention of fighting, so Xu Huang took advantage of the situation to cover up and capture Liang Xing's commander-in-chief.

Liang Xing had a strong desire to survive, and he was unstoppable in courage. He blazed a trail and fled in embarrassment.

"Traitor, where are you running!" Zhu Ling chased after him, but Liang Xing ran away in the end.

Xu Huang ordered an inventory of casualties. This time, [-] Xiliang rebels were defeated, [-] were killed and captured, and the rest fled.

It can be described as a complete victory!

So far, Xu Huang has set up camp in Hexi'an without any obstacles, and the officers and soldiers can gain a foothold here.

When Cao Cao received the battle report, he was so happy that he patted his thigh.

"General Xu is really my lucky general!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The Battle of Tongguan is still going on, and a group of distinguished guests are ushered in in the Yellow River Basin. It is Liu Ke and his party.

Jia Xu once again asked to go to Liangzhou. Dian Wei expressed his willingness to go with him, fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

How could Liu Ke let them mess around, so he decided to watch them, and the team grew bigger and bigger.

As soon as everyone discussed, they sneaked out without telling Lu Su.

"My lord, don't leave the river, if you have something to do, just go down the river." Gan Ning said.

This time Gan Ning temporarily released the confinement and was in charge of maintaining the safe route.

The river transportation of Yangzhou merchants is very frequent, so Liu Ke and his party only need to do a little camouflage to easily escape the interrogation.

Cao Cao's army did not dare to strictly investigate the Yangzhou caravan. The war consumes a lot of money. Maintaining normal trade with Yangzhou can bring Cao Cao a good income.

The only thing to worry about is Liu Ke's safety.

When Liu Ke made a decision, Jia Xu regretted it and said that he would not go.

If you say go, go, and if you don't go, don't go, isn't it very shameful?

Liu Ke refuted Jia Xu's advice and came to Tongguan to join in the fun.

In order to ensure Liu Ke's safety, a total of three quick retreat routes were set up.

One is the waterway in charge of Gan Ning, the other is the road from Bingzhou to Jizhou in charge of Chen Qun, and the last one is the Luoyang dark line arranged by Xun You.

"Don't worry, Xingba, this operation is very covert. Even if it is discovered, it is not time to use force. If Cao Cao is determined, we will have a reason to attack him."

Liu Ke had already made up his mind, a man of high art is bold.

Gan Ning has a strong self-confidence, on the water, he is invincible.Cao Cao's army did not have a decent navy.

"I've left the security issue to you. Let me tell you now, how is the battle going?" Liu Ke said.

"My lord, Xu Huang has defeated Liang Xing and has gained a firm foothold in Hexi. Han Sui's strategy of attacking him halfway across the river may be aborted," Jia Xu said.

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