"not necessarily."

Liu Ke looked at the map in front of him, Cao Cao's army was still on the front line of Tongguan.

"Wenhe, why don't you and I play a game of chess?"

"Appreciate further details."

"The Xiliang coalition army is the black man, and the Cao Cao army is the white man. I advise the Xiliang coalition army, and you plan for the Cao Cao army. How about a comparison?" Liu Ke said.

"My lord is really cunning. The Xiliang coalition army lacks counselors, and Cao Cao's army is full of wings. How can we guarantee their obedience?" Jia Xu smiled wryly.

"It depends on your ability and mine," Liu Ke said.

"That's right, I'll be the referee." Guo Jia rolled up his sleeves and said, "My lord and Wenhe wrote their strategies into their kits and voted them into the two armies under the name of Guigu hermit. If they are adopted, they will score points. How about it?"


Jia Xu was also aroused to fight.

Liu Ke nodded.

"My lord, you are at a disadvantage now, how can you save the situation?" Guo Jia said.

"This matter is easy." Liu Ke said, and then ordered someone to bring a pen and ink, write vigorously, and when the ink dries, fold it up and put it in a kit.

Guo Jia took the kit and said:

"Who is going to the Xiliang military camp?"

"Someone is willing to go!" Chen Dao said.

"Remember, don't reveal your identity." Guo Jia warned.

Xiliang is more friendly to Yangzhou. It would be unfair to Jia Xu if he revealed his identity.

"As ordered!"

Chen Dao waved his fists and resigned.

In fact, Chen Dao was also curious about what was written inside, but he held back his curiosity and smoothly touched the Xiliang barracks.

When a general went out, Chen Dao shot an arrow and then disappeared.

"Protect the General!"

Teams of soldiers protected Ma Wan.

"Why panic? Hurry and catch the assassin!"

"Report to the general, the assassin has escaped, and there is a letter in the kit on the arrow."

Ma Wan took the kit, opened it, was startled, and hurriedly reported to Ma Chao.

The author of the letter claims to be a hermit in Guigu, and he is at odds with Cao Cao, so he hereby offers a plan to break Cao Cao.

The content of the strategy is very simple, hit it halfway!

But it was completely different from Han Sui's proposal.

Han Sui advocated guarding against the Wei River, and when Cao Cao's army crossed the river, he suddenly rushed out.

The ending was bleak.

And this Guigu hermit suggested that the Xiliang coalition army ambush on the side of Tongguan, waiting for Cao Cao's army to cross the Yellow River and steal their butts.

The simple explanation is that Han Sui wanted to start, and Guigu Hermit suggested touching the tail.

There are many reasons, including analyzing Cao Cao's psychology.

Xu Huang established a foothold in the west of the river and built a bridgehead to cross the river. Cao Cao's army would never have imagined that the Xiliang coalition forces would send troops from the rear.

"A brilliant plan!" Ma Chao sighed. As for why he sighed, it was because he was not sure whether this was Cao Cao's treacherous plan or not.

"Who is this person?"

Ma Wan looked innocent, and said: "General, I don't know. I just went out to patrol the camp, and the Guigu hermit sent the kit with arrows. But in my opinion, this person is not a good bird if he hides his head and shows his tail." .”

Ma Chao is in a dilemma. This is a great opportunity to defeat Cao Cao's army. Once he misses it, he will regret it for a lifetime.

"Call a meeting now!"

The princes of Xiliang came to the scene one after another, and Han Sui was the last one to come.

"Nephew, what's the rush?"

Ma Chao said the matter again.

"Cao Mengde is so cunning, I can't believe it! Nephew, you are too young." Han Sui said.

"That's right, I've never heard of ghost valley hermits, but it looks like Cao Cao's treachery!"

"We can't fall for it!"

The princes agreed one after another, expressing their unwillingness to send troops.

Ma Chao was very disappointed, this was not the result he wanted, he wanted to do what others couldn't.

"I am the vanguard, and I ask you to stand up for me."

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