"Nephew..." Han Sui wanted to persuade him, but he couldn't help feeling ashamed when he saw Ma Chao's determined eyes.

"Okay, I will personally lead the army to fight for my nephew!"

"Thank you, Commander!" Ma Chao clasped his fists.

Considering the swift and windy combat, Ma Chao selected [-] elite cavalry as the main force for this dispatch.

If it's really a conspiracy, retreat faster.Ma Chao didn't believe that Cao Cao could catch him.

When Ma Chao went out, the princes of Xiliang couldn't sit still.

"Governor, why didn't you order Ma Mengqi to be stopped?"

"Ma Mengqi is brave but not resourceful. If the coalition army loses again, they will lose all their vigor. How can we fight Cao Cao decisively?"

"Enough!" Han Sui scolded, these people dare not send troops, and others send troops, and they still sneer.

As the coach, Han Sui couldn't stand it anymore.

Everyone was still unconvinced and just waited for Ma Chao's defeat so that they could slap Han Sui and Ma Chao in the face.

But Han Sui really kept his promise and personally commanded an army of [-] to prepare for Ma Chao.Although he doesn't have the courage to send troops, he still has this responsibility, otherwise how would he get into this position.

The feudal lords of Xiliang can only cooperate, and absolutely cannot be friends.

The only person Han Sui admired was Ma Chao.It's a pity that the relationship between the two is ups and downs, which is embarrassing.

Regardless of his position or what, Han Sui hopes that Ma Chao can win this battle, so that the coalition forces will have hope.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After Xu Huang gained a foothold in Hexi, Cao Cao's mind became active.

"Prepare the ferry, the army will cross the river."

With one order, hundreds of thousands of troops moved into action, swift as the wind.

"The prime minister has ordered the army to cross the river!"

With limited boats, Cao Cao's army began to cross the river in batches.

Two days passed in a flash, and most of the army passed by. Cao Hong said: "Prime Minister, you can cross the river now."

"What's the rush, I'll be in charge of cutting the rear." Cao Cao said vigorously.

Cao Hong felt that this sentence was very domineering, but he always felt that something was wrong. Could it be that the Xiliang rebels were able to predict their actions?

The result was really a crow's mouth.

Seeing that Cao Cao's army was almost crossing the river, Ma Dai quickly sent a signal to Ma Chao.

Thirty thousand Xiliang iron cavalry were dispatched in an instant!

The sound of horseshoes can't be concealed.

"Prime Minister, it's not good, the Xiliang iron cavalry is here!"

The general behind Cao Cao stood up and took the initiative to ask for a fight.

"Prime Minister, leave it to the last general!"

"Okay, as long as you delay for a moment, the army can withdraw." Cao Cao said.

Yu Jin rode out and fought Ma Chao head-on.

"Who is coming?" Ma Chao shouted.

"It is true that a general under the command of the prime minister will be banned."

"Nobody, nothing to worry about. Where is Cao Mengde? Tell this general, and your life will be spared." Ma Chao said.

"What a big tone! If you want to hurt the Prime Minister, just step over my corpse." Yu Jin said.

It's useless to say more, Ma Chao brandished his spear and launched an attack.

Not to be outdone by Yu Jin, the two horses fought for eight or nine rounds.Yu Jin was sweating profusely, lost to Ma Chao and lost.

"let me!"

A general rushed out from Cao Cao's army, it was Li Tong.

Li Tong yelled, his marksmanship was superb, he fought with Ma Chao for [-] rounds, Ma Chao stabbed the horse, and fell off the horse with a whimper.

"not good!"

Seeing Li Tong's defeat, Yu Jin secretly lamented Ma Chao's bravery, and killed a carbine at the same time, winning a precious chance for Li Tong to escape.

Regardless of his image, Li Tong ran away, but a lieutenant came to meet him and took him away.

"Fight again in the future!"

Yu Jin dropped a harsh word, and he had been prepared a long time ago, and ran away in a hurry.

Ma Chao swung his spear, and the Xiliang cavalry rushed up behind him.

"The general is mighty!"

The Xiliang iron cavalry was unstoppable, and Cao Cao's army could not resist it soon.

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