"If my army hadn't passed the north bank, how could Ma Mengqi be arrogant?!" Cao Cao hated.

"Prime Minister, let's leave quickly!" Cao Hong reminded.

Pang De and Ma Dai rushed into Cao Cao's army and killed them indiscriminately.

"Where is Cao Cao?"

"Who is Cao Cao?"

His subordinates are all big soldiers, and they have never seen Cao Cao at all.

Ma Dai searched around among the chaotic army, and suddenly pointed to a place and shouted: "The one in the red robe is Cao Cao!"

Cao Cao was shocked when he heard this sentence.

Ma Chao hurriedly followed the direction Ma Dai pointed, killing countless people along the way.

"Cao Mengde, take your life!"

The soldiers from Xiliang came so fiercely that Cao Cao hurriedly took off his red robe for fear of being recognized.

Ma Chao fought for a while, but the red-robed man was not seen.

"The one with the long beard is Cao Cao!"

Suddenly there was a shout.

Ma Chao beheaded more than a dozen people in a row, but Cao Cao was never seen.

Cao Cao had already been in panic and cut off his long beard with his sword.

A young general from Xiliang witnessed this scene with his own eyes, but he was not strong enough, and Cao Cao was heavily protected, so he couldn't kill him.But he told Ma Chao about it.

"The one with the short beard is Cao Cao!" Ma Chao ordered people to shout around.

When Cao Cao heard this, he quickly tore off a corner of the flag to cover his neck.

"Prime Minister, come here!" Cao Hong hurriedly greeted, it turned out that he had already set up the boat.

Cao Cao was also a son of Lian's family, so he jumped into the boat and hurried across the river.

"Row the boat!"

Cao Hong was so anxious that he was sweating profusely, and he ordered the guards around him.

"Hahaha! I am lucky and fateful, and Ma Mengxiu wants my life!"

Cao Cao was lying on the boat, panting heavily. He never thought that the Xiliang rebels would appear here.

Really dangerous!

When Ma Chao saw a small boat leaving like a moon surrounded by stars, he knew something was wrong, Cao Cao must be on the boat.

So he rode his horse and galloped to the shore, chasing the boat and shooting arrows all the way.

Immediately, arrows rained down, and Cao Cao almost died!

Fortunately, Cao Hong was supporting Cao Cao with a wooden plank.

The ship's guards were not so lucky and were nailed to the deck.

Cao Hong could only hold the plank with one hand and row the boat with the other, out of the shooting range of the bow and arrow.Cao Cao was able to survive.

How could Ma Chao give up, and ordered:

"Abandon the horse and board the boat, and pursue Cao Cao!"

God-given opportunity, Cao Cao cannot be allowed to escape.

However, at this moment, Ding Fei, the school lieutenant under Cao Cao's tent, released a large number of cattle and horses on the bank of the river.

The Xiliang soldiers under Ma Chao's command were greedy, and they all went to catch the running cattle and horses without caring about taking advantage of the victory to pursue them.Ma Chao couldn't control the situation at all.

Cao Cao was finally able to cross the river safely, and the defeated Cao Cao army escaped with their lives.

Seeing that Cao Cao was safe and sound, everyone was filled with sorrow and joy, but Cao Cao laughed loudly:

"I was almost killed by a thief today!"

Quite self-deprecating.

"If the prime minister survives a catastrophe, there will be future blessings."

"Our army has gained an advantage in this battle. As long as the prime minister gives an order, Ma Chao will be beheaded sooner or later!"

Cao Cao's army was overjoyed, and there was no decadence of defeat at all.

It has to be said that Cao Cao's words played a very crucial role.

Although they lost this battle, they gained a strategic advantage.

With Xu Huang's army as a bridgehead, they continued to cross the river, and Hexi was within easy reach.

The Xiliang rebels almost lost their hometown, so why would they want to stay in Chang'an? !

This is also the reason why Ma Chao was so furious.

"Turn in all the captured cattle and sheep!"

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