"Brother, this may cause dissatisfaction among the subordinates." Ma Dai reminded.

Most of the cavalry under Ma Chao's command are Qiang people. They are good at riding and shooting, and they are brave in combat, but they are also rebellious.If it weren't for Ma Chao's strong force, he would definitely not be able to suppress these people.

If you want to snatch their trophies now, I'm afraid you will turn your back on them, right?

"Hmph! Kill them all and distribute the meat to the whole army." Ma Chao added.

In this way, those who snatched the cows and horses will have to cry in mourning.This is punishment.

However, those who didn't get it will be grateful to Ma Chao.This is reward.

Even if someone is dissatisfied, someone will speak for Ma Chao.It happened to be a victory, and even the reward was saved.

It's a pity that he escaped Cao Cao!

After finally forcing Cao Cao to such an extent, Ma Chao couldn't forgive himself for failing at the last step.

At the same time, he was also shocked and curious, who is this ghost valley hermit?

If it weren't for this plan, Ma Chao would not have rushed to send troops.

"There are two things to do next. One is to track down the whereabouts of the Guigu hermit, and the other is to speed up the negotiations with the Xiongnu and let them send troops as soon as possible."

Liu Ke provided a platform for cooperation between the Xiliang coalition forces and the Huns, but he did not intervene and gave them sufficient autonomy.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Ma Chao failed to capture Cao Cao in the Battle of Tongguan, and regretted for life.

It was obviously only a small-scale battle involving tens of thousands of people, but the Xiliang Allied Forces made a big statement.Everyone in the world knows that Cao Cao's army threw away their helmets and armor, and Cao Cao himself cut off his robe and beard, which made Ma Chao's reputation.

"Nephew did a great job in this battle!" Han Sui said forcefully.

Since the Xiliang Allied Forces raised their troops, they captured Chang'an, which was a victory. In the Hexi area, the [-] army commanded by Liang Xing was defeated by Xu Huang, which was a defeat.

Now Ma Chao has defeated Cao Cao's army in the Tongguan area, giving the coalition forces great confidence.

"Thank you uncle for holding the line, otherwise Chao'er would not be able to accomplish this extraordinary feat." Ma Chao said modestly.

Han Sui was overjoyed, he didn't expect Ma Chao to be such a good man.

Everyone also came up to congratulate, and Ma Chao responded one by one, consolidating his position in the coalition forces.

However, Ma Chao has always been thinking about Guigu Hermit, hoping to ask him to come out to help.

There are many brave men in Xiliang, but it is difficult to find a counselor.The only famous one is Jia Xu, but it is a pity that Jia Xu has already served in Yangzhou, and his status is not low.

Above the Yellow River.

"Your Majesty's clever calculations, I admire you." Jia Xu cupped his hands.

Cao Cao wanted to march into Hexi and block the retreat of the Xiliang coalition army. According to the general thinking, he would intercept them halfway or set up defenses in Hexi.But Liu Ke did the opposite, touched Cao Cao's butt, and caught Cao Cao by surprise.

"Wenhe, it's fine to flatter, now it's up to you." Liu Ke said.

Jia Xu smiled slightly, confident that the letter had already been sent to Cao Cao's army.

Cao Cao was suspicious by nature, and immediately thought of the word "conspiracy".

"Where did this letter come from?"

"My lord, a longbow shot into the camp."

Cao Cao stroked his beard, and suddenly found that the beard was much shorter. He couldn't help thinking of the previous defeat, and felt a little annoyed.

He glanced at the letter, and threw it directly into the brazier, turning it into ashes.

"What nonsense!"

Obviously, Cao Cao did not adopt the strategy in the letter.

"My lord, it might be true that there are so many capable people in the mountains?" Cao Hong said.

"Hmph, the imperial court's recruitment order is widely spread all over the world. I use all capable people and strangers. I have never heard of ghost valley hermits." Cao Cao said.

This sentence is exaggerated, but there are wise talents in the territory, and Cao Cao sent people to register them, and there are indeed no ghost valley hermits.

At the beginning, Ruan Yu was recruited by Cao Cao with both soft and hard tactics. There are countless talents like Ruan Yu in Cao Cao's army.

"My lord, what shall we do now?"

"Merge with Xu Huang, travel along the South River, occupy the important area of ​​Weikou, and block the return of the Xiliang rebels. Since they want to stay in Chang'an, let them wait there to die."

As soon as Cao Cao's army arrived, Xu Huang prepared the ships.

"My lord has come from a long way, thank you for your hard work."

"What's the hard work? Staying away from Xuchang's government affairs and walking in the army makes it more relaxed." Cao Cao laughed.

The crowd joined in.

Cao Cao's relaxed and cheerful attitude immediately drove the atmosphere of the audience.

"My lord, our army is ready to go, give the order!" Xu Huang clasped his fists and said.

With a wave of Cao Cao's hand, [-] troops marched down the south of the river and arrived at Weikou.

As a result, he was stunned!

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