The Weikou flag fluttered, and the Xiliang Allied Forces had obviously increased their troops here, especially the big flag with the word "horse", which hurt Cao Cao's heart even more.

It's just that Cao Cao didn't attack in person.

"Damn it, how did the Xiliang rebels know about our army?" Cao Hong wondered.

Cao Cao also wanted to know, and he suddenly thought of the letter from Guigu Hermit.

The letter is succinct and authentic: the road to the south is blocked, so we can avoid the main force of Xiliang rebels and attack the land of Hexi.

It's a pity that Cao Cao didn't listen and insisted on fighting the main force of Xiliang.

In the Battle of Tongguan, Cao Cao was forced to cut off his robe and beard. On the surface, he was calm and calm, but he hated Ma Chao in his heart.So he chose to attack Weikou.

However, as if Ma Chao had learned the news in advance, he set up defenses at Weikou, leaving Cao Cao's army with no opportunity to take advantage of it.

In fact, Ma Chao made this decision, which was also opposed by most people.

The situation is so good, why bother Cao Cao.

First hit Luoyang, and then threaten Yanzhou and Yuzhou. I am not afraid that Cao Cao will not retreat, it depends on who advances faster.

It's a pity that Ma Chao came back to help and set up defenses in Weikou.

"Cao Cao is so cunning, I'm afraid he won't show up in Weikou." Han Sui doubted.

Until Cao Cao's army banners covered the sky, everyone loved and hated Ma Chao.

"The old thief Cao Cao actually wanted to block our way back, so we fought him!" Ma Wan suggested.

"Cao Cao's army is coming in menacingly, let's wait for him for a few days, and when he loses all his energy, it will be our chance." Han Suidao.

Ma Chao did not refute.

This return to defense was of course the work of Guigu Hermit, who seemed to know the actions of Cao Cao's army like the back of his hand.

Ma Chao bowed down and hoped to meet Guigu hermit, but unfortunately he didn't have the chance.

On the other side, Cao Cao returned to the temporary camp, in a dilemma.

The Xiliang rebels are numerous and powerful, and they are good at field battles. Cao Cao must avoid their edge.

The two sides confronted each other.

Until the letter of Guigu hermit appeared again in Cao Ying.

This time Cao Cao didn't dare to be negligent, and when he took it apart, there was only a simple sentence: Set up suspicious soldiers to attack Hexi, cross the Wei River, and form a camp in Weinan.

Different from Liu Ke's long speeches, every time Jia Xu makes suggestions, he only makes short remarks.

It can be understood by people, but why they do this and how to do it, they don't mention a word.

Love it or not.

Just so arrogant.

Cao Cao couldn't help hesitating. He himself is the top strategist, so when it came time to make a decision, he couldn't help hesitating, because he had to consider all aspects.

"Yu Jin, Xu Huang, and Zhu Ling, each of you will lead an army, divide into three groups, and pretend to attack Hexi."

"Obey!" The three said in unison.

The coalition scouts quickly detected the news and reported it to Ma Chao.

"What is Cao Cao doing?"

"Our army is stationed in Weikou, so that Cao Cao's army can't take back Chang'an. He must want to take Hexi and make us mess up." Pang De said.

At first the heroes clamored to go to Luoyang, but when Cao Cao really threatened their territory, they suddenly became nervous.

"Cao Cao cannot be allowed to succeed!"

"Yes, it is the best policy to divide the troops to guard the land of Hexi."

There was a lot of discussion.

Han Sui looked at Ma Chao, hoping he could give a suggestion.But Ma Chao is in a state of disarray now, and he is still able to march and fight, so it is still difficult for him to make a judgment.

"Send some troops to garrison Hexi."

Han Sui also meant the same thing. Since he wanted to defend, he couldn't lose even a piece of territory.With Hexi lost, Cao Cao could move west unimpeded and threaten Han Sui's territory.

You must know that Liangzhou is extremely empty now, and all the troops have been drawn out.

The coalition forces acted passively.

Seeing that the coalition forces were so obedient, Cao Cao no longer hesitated, and asked Xia Houyuan to build a pontoon bridge and cross the river overnight.

The Weishui River is not as wide as the Yellow River, and pontoon bridges can be erected in narrow areas to speed up the efficiency of crossing the river.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Hurry up!"

Xia Houyuan commanded the soldiers to cross the river in an orderly manner, and it only took one night.

Not only that, but the crossing of the river was still in progress, and the former army was already logging and camping.

When the sky was slightly bright, the camp began to take shape.

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