"Come here, take down this thief, reward ten thousand gold, and seal ten thousand households!"

Cao Cao's voice suddenly came from the tiger and leopard riders, and the soldiers were very excited.

"Cao thief!" Ma Chao hated him.

"Ma Chao, if you are smart, you can catch him immediately, and maybe your life can be spared." Cao Cao said.

Ma Chao really wanted to kill a carbine, but he didn't dare.There are thousands of troops and horses behind him. When he went back alone, he fell into Cao Cao's tricks.

"Just because you shrimp soldiers and crab generals want to catch me? Dreaming!"

As Cao Cao commanded the tiger and leopard cavalry to enter the battlefield, a huge advantage was immediately formed.

"The prime minister led the army to charge!"

"Brothers, work hard, the prime minister is watching us."

"Catch Ma Chao, I will seal ten thousand households!"

Cao Cao's army screamed, not only occupying an absolute advantage in military strength, but also their morale is constantly rising.

"Haha, Ma Mengqi, you surrender, you can't escape." Cao Cao shouted happily.

In the Battle of Tongguan, he was chased away and lost all face.

This time he saved his face, he couldn't help but disregard his image and act recklessly.

"Don't even think about it!" Ma Chao shouted, "Soldiers, follow me to break through!"

The scene was extremely chaotic, but with Ma Chao's yelling, the Xiliang army found the backbone and began to follow Ma Chao to escape.

Ma Chao is like a sharp knife, breaking through numerous obstacles and leading the soldiers to fight a bloody path.

As for those who run slowly, I can't take care of them.

"Ma Chao, my lord wants me to tell you that I will let you live for a few more days. The head on your neck will be kept on your neck for the time being, and my lord will come to get it later."

Xia Houyuan's voice came from far away, making Ma Chao roar in anger.

"Come if you can!"

Cao Cao still wanted to chase after him, Xia Houyuan suggested:

"My lord, the soldiers are exhausted, and the poor should not chase after them."

Cao Cao had no choice but to give up.

After this battle, they established the second camp, which stuck the throat of the coalition forces.

The strategic goal has been achieved!

Ma Chao was defeated and returned to the camp, aggrieved.

"Young master, our army's defeat this time is understandable." Pound sighed.

"How to say?" Ma Chao said.

"Although Xiliang is a coalition army, the young master takes the lead every time he goes to battle. The other princes are just playing around. Only the young master takes it as his duty to destroy Cao Cao." Pang De said,

Thinking about it this way, this is really the case.

"Damn, these people are short-sighted, and they will be defeated by Cao Cao sooner or later!"

Apart from complaining, Ma Chao has no solution at all.They are known as the ten-way army, but only the elite under Ma Chao's command have fought many times.

How can this battle continue?

When Han Sui heard that Ma Chao was defeated, he came to comfort him and discussed a way out.

"This battle is dangerous, my nephew has no need to blame himself."

"Uncle, the coalition forces have taken great pains to preserve their strength." Ma Chao mocked.

This sentence is ambiguous, and I don't know if Han Sui was scolded.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Wenhe, this move is not bad."

Liu Ke praised Jia Xudao with a smile on his face.

"My lord, you've praised me absurdly." Jia Xu said modestly.

"Who knows if it's his plan, maybe it's Cao Cao's?" Dian Wei doubted.

Faced with doubts, Jia Xu smiled without saying a word to resolve the embarrassment.

Jia Xu's previous strategy was to let Cao Cao directly attack the land of Hexi, but Cao Cao insisted on blocking the road.

Liu Ke asked Ma Chao to garrison Weikou in advance, and Cao Cao's plan was stillborn.

Unexpectedly, Cao Cao took this opportunity to deploy suspicious soldiers, formed a second encirclement, and defeated Ma Chao with ambush.

In short, there are winners and losers.

"My lord, what should you do next? You are at a disadvantage now." Guo Jia gloated.

After following Liu Ke for so long, Guo Jia has never seen Liu Ke suffer, so he plans to stand by Jia Xu.

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