Liu Ke knew it well.

The biggest advantage of the Xiliang coalition forces is that Liu Ke bridged the gap and allowed the Xiongnu to participate.

However, Jia Xu also knows this, how will he deal with it?

Liu Ke had to consider a lot of things, and finally put pen to paper into a letter. After Guo Jia read it, he said "insidious".

This time, it was Chen Dao who was in charge of running the errands.

Ma Chao was worrying about how to fight this battle, and the kit was sent over.

"General, the letter from the ghost valley hermit..."

Before the words of his subordinates were finished, Ma Chao snatched them away, opened them up, and was shocked.

Then a coalition meeting was held to discuss the next step.

"Now that Cao Cao's army is coming in menacingly, we should retreat to Hexi." Liang Xing said.

Ma Wan immediately stood up to object, saying:

"It's just one defeat, are you going to be a turtle?"

"You! ——Can you talk? What is a shrinking head? Aren't you the leader of the coalition army? Even scolding yourself, you are really good!" Liang Xing sneered.

"At least I won't be as timid as you!"

"Unconvinced? Come and do a game?"

Liang Xing and Ma were at war with each other, but Ma Chao and Han Sui had no intention of trying to persuade them to fight.

Especially Han Sui, who looked a little playful, as if he was saying, you guys are doing it!

Xiliang are all warriors, and the folk customs are tough, how can it be reflected if they don't fight.

The two scolded each other for a few words, then shut up, because everyone was watching, it was very embarrassing.

"If you don't retreat to He Xi, are you going to fight Cao Cao?"

"A decisive battle is a decisive battle, why be afraid of a Cao Cao?"

"How about you as a pioneer?"

After hearing this sentence, Ma Wan shut up.

"Damn, when it comes to the critical moment, just keep silent, shit!"

Liang Xing spoke Ma Chao's heart.

"Although we are a coalition force, we all want to preserve our strength, so I think it's better to leave." Liang Xing said, playing the role of Ma Chao Mazi.

If this sentence were uttered by Ma Chao, it would definitely break the sky, and the hearts of the coalition forces would be dissipated.Therefore, Liang Xing can only be launched.

"General Liang is very angry." Han Sui said.

"The governor sits in the center of the town and sends troops to fight, but what about these people? They are not even as good as the governor." Liang Xing said.

Han Sui was elated when he heard that, Liang Xing wiped out nearly [-] troops, how could he not have the slightest bit of resentment, and now the resentment has dissipated.


Everyone has come to this conclusion.

"It is impossible for the coalition forces to disperse. Now that Cao Cao has invaded our territory, I hope everyone can actively fight." Ma Chao said.

"What is your nephew going to do?" Han Sui asked.

"All the princes directly obey the orders of the general and the governor, and those who disobey will be executed." Ma Chao said forcefully.


Ma Wan really wanted to object, but he couldn't be the leader, and then... no one was the leader, so the matter was settled.

"Are you convinced?" Han Sui asked, this is a good thing, of course he must support Ma Chao.

"I'm willing to obey the orders of the general and the governor!" Liang Xing and other young horses said.

Ma Chao is very satisfied with the result.

"It's your fault if you don't follow orders. If you lose a battle or employ people unfairly, it's the general and the governor's fault."

Anyone can say words of comfort, but Ma Chao is the most proud star in Xiliang. He stood up to take on his own responsibilities and gave everyone a lot of positive energy.

Everyone is convinced.

Han Sui glanced at Ma Chao vigilantly, always feeling that he was buying people's hearts, but there was no evidence, so he quickly changed the topic and said:

"The commander-in-chief's problem has been solved. Next, let's talk about how to deal with Cao Cao. He is the confidant of Xiliang."

With a few words, the feeling of common hatred and hatred spread to everyone.

It also reminded everyone that Cao Cao is the foreign enemy!

Just when the Xiliang coalition forces were impassioned and ready to destroy Cao, Ma Chao said something unexpected.

"Governor, please beg for peace from Cao Cao."

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately caused an uproar.

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