Mmp, Ma Chao!

Although you are handsome, you can't play with us, right?

Han Sui chose to believe in Ma Chao, because Ma Chao would not choose to join Cao Cao.

The revenge of killing his father is undeniable.

"Nephew, is this a plan to slow down the army?"

"That's right. I have asked my brother Ma Dai to go to the territory of the Xiongnu to discuss the matter of dispatching troops. At that time, with the Xiongnu as reinforcements, are you afraid that Cao Cao will fail?" Ma Chao said firmly.

It turned out to be the case.

"Yes, Cao Mengde is not the Marquis of Dongyang, and he still wants to defeat our million-strong army?!"

"Cao Mengde's death is coming soon."

The crowd talked a lot, and they were very convinced by Ma Chao's words.

The Xiongnu were dealt with by Dongyang Hou, and their strength was greatly damaged, but the tiger's prestige was still there.

"Are you sure?" Han Sui asked in a low voice.

The Huns are not so easy to please, they are greedy.

"The Marquis of Dongyang intends to facilitate this matter," Ma Chao said.

Han Sui was overjoyed, Dongyanghou's reputation is well known all over the world, how could the little Huns refuse him if he came forward.

"Nephew, you make me so miserable!"

"I don't dare to talk nonsense before the matter is completed. Please forgive me, uncle."

Han Sui pondered for a while, then said:

"How to stabilize Cao Cao?"

"You can send someone to discuss with Cao Cao, we are willing to cede the land of Hexi." Ma Chao said.

During the Western Han Dynasty, King Hunxie was defeated and captured by Huo Qubing, and he surrendered to the Han Dynasty, and the Hexi area became the area ruled by the Han Dynasty.

There are four counties in Hexi, Wuwei County, Zhangye County, Jiuquan County, and Dunhuang County, which were all under the jurisdiction of Liangzhou.

"What? Absolutely impossible!"

Han Sui glared at the opponents, and said, "Are you out of your mind? What the hell are you talking about? You're pretending to negotiate peace with Cao Cao."

Fuck, commanding this gang of trash to fight Cao Cao, can you not lose?

Han Sui almost couldn't help yelling, but in the end the leader's demeanor prevailed.

The man backed back timidly, Hexi was his territory, and he was a little too nervous.

"Who else objects?"

Whoever opposes is tantamount to admitting that he is a fool.

Han Sui finally breathed a sigh of relief, for fear that another fool would appear.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

On this day, Cao Cao received another letter, also signed by Guigu Hermit.

There are only four words written in the letter: a plan to delay the army.

Cao Cao couldn't help but fell into hard thinking.

What does Nima mean?

Cao Cao showed it to everyone, hoping to brainstorm.

"My lord, do you want us to continue to confront each other and not send troops?" Xia Houyuan said tentatively.

"How is this possible? We don't have any backup. This means that the Xiliang rebels are using a strategy of slowing down their troops." Yu Jin said.

These are two completely contradictory conclusions.

As long as a normal person would not come up with such an idea, what is the difference between this and a bad one?

But this Guigu hermit gave Cao Cao such a message!

"Don't care about him, march and fight, and don't rely on outsiders." Cao Cao said.

Even if the Guigu hermit kept giving correct information and Cao Cao won a short-term victory, he did not dare to take it lightly.

Because as long as one wrong step, it will be lost forever.

Cao Cao knows this very well!

What he didn't know was that his mental activities were completely figured out by Jia Xu.

Cao Cao didn't take Jia Xu's long talk at all.

But these four words made Cao Cao tangled up to death, and they were faintly remembered in his mind.

Not long after, the Xiliang Allied Forces sent an envoy, and it was Yang Qiu.

"Meet the prime minister!"

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