"Excuse me." Cao Cao said calmly, but he was wondering what this guy was doing here.

"Prime Minister, since the war, the two sides have won and lost each other. Now the prime minister has cleverly planned to occupy Weinan and threaten Hexi. Our army is terrified and willing to surrender to the court again, and vowed not to rebel again. Please also ask the prime minister to withdraw troops." Yang Qiu said respectfully.

Cao Cao showed joy, but quickly covered it up.His painstaking efforts were not in vain, the Xiliang rebels finally knew how powerful the imperial court was!

"Hmph, rebel if you want to rebel, reconcile if you want to reconcile, how can it be so easy?"

Yang Qiu smiled wryly, and said: "My lord, the war is not our will, but we are forced to do so. If the imperial army passes through Xiliang, we can be notified, and such misunderstandings will not happen."

"Hahaha, it's just a joke. In the whole world, could it be that the king's land, the imperial army passed through your territory, and wanted to notify you?" Cao Cao was dissatisfied, but he was very vigilant in his heart. He couldn't believe a word of Yang Qiu's words.

"Of course not. Just let us know in advance so that we can meet the heavenly soldiers and prepare some food." Yang Qiu said.

"I don't know how the Prime Minister is willing to retreat?"

"Hand over Ma Chao!" Cao Cao made an excessive request.

"No! Please change another condition, Prime Minister." Yang Qiu said.

Ma Chao is the core of the Xiliang Allied Forces. Wouldn't it be a slap in the face to hand him over?

Moreover, will Ma Chao be willing?Even if you think about it, you know it's impossible.

Cao Cao snorted coldly and squinted at Yang Qiu.

"Prime Minister, what do you think of the land of Hexi? We are willing to offer the land of Hexi."

Cao Cao was astonished. The fertile land in Hexi is thousands of miles away, how generous is the Xiliang coalition army?

As Yang Qiu said, the two sides have victories and defeats, and the Xiliang coalition forces are not yet at the end of their ropes, so they will directly sell their hometown now.

very wrong!

Cao Cao is suspicious?

No no no, this is brainstorming.

Reminiscent of the four words "strategy of slowing down the army", Cao Cao realized it instantly.

It turns out that the ghost valley hermit was talking about this!

However, how did the Guigu hermit know that the Xiliang coalition forces would take a slow-down strategy?

Now Cao Cao is full of thoughts about this matter, and directly puts Yang Qiu aside.

This made Yang Qiu very embarrassed. After a while, Yang Qiu broke the silence and said: "Prime Minister, Xiliang is willing to give up the land of Hexi, and please retreat!"

Only then did Cao Cao regain his senses, but he fell into new thoughts again. Should he agree to the Xiliang coalition forces and stabilize them, or should he just refuse?

The scene became awkward again.

Yang Qiu was restless.

"The land of Hexi is not enough."

This is Cao Cao's reply.


Yang Qiu made a two-word evaluation.

"Prime Minister, Liangzhou is only this big, ceding the land of Hexi is already the limit."

"This is not a cession. Hexi is the land of the imperial court." Cao Cao said forcefully.

Nima's, it's just playing a rogue.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that the imperial court exists in name only, and all places are under the control of the princes.

"Prime Minister! Please think again!" Yang Qiu said.

"The Prime Minister has carefully considered this matter. If you can't come up with new conditions, let this matter go." Cao Cao waved his hand.

Seeing that Cao Cao had made up his mind, Yang Qiu simply insisted.

"Prime Minister, I still have [-] coalition troops in Xiliang, all of whom are unique warriors!"

"It's just stragglers, I will defeat them sooner or later." Cao Cao said without raising his eyelids.

"Since this is the case, can the prime minister line up in the field and have a decisive battle." Yang Qiu said.

"This is what a reckless man did, and I will not do it." Cao Cao said.

Thick-skinned to a certain extent, it can really destroy the world.

Cao Cao just doesn't want to cooperate!

"Has the Prime Minister forgotten the battle of Tongguan?!" Yang Qiu shouted.

mmp, which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted.

Cao Cao had almost forgotten about it, but Yang Qiu even mentioned it, not knowing whether he was dead or alive.

"Come on, take him down!"

Immediately, a swordsman stepped forward and put the knife on Yang Qiu's neck. He didn't resist, and his hands were tied.

"Yang Qiu, do you know where this is?" Cao Cao asked.

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