Ma Chao had already fallen asleep, and his personal guard suddenly broke in to report the situation.

"Is there any change in the Weinan camp?"

Ma Chao patted his face to wake himself up.

These days Cao Cao's army has been sticking to it, being a coward, and now there is a sudden move, it is still a big move, how could Ma Chao not pay attention to it.

Just fighting at night is not good for the Xiliang coalition forces.

Ma Chao immediately summoned all the people and asked all the princes to send troops.

"In this battle, we must do our best."

"Nephew, is this too risky? Cao Cao is cunning, this is probably his trick." Han Sui hesitated.

"Uncle, please trust my nephew!" Ma Chao clasped his fists.

"That's all, it's up to you." Han Sui agreed.

Both the leader and the deputy leader agreed, and according to the previous regulations, no one else could object.

So [-] Liangzhou soldiers set off.

"It's not good! It's not good! Prime Minister, the army from Xiliang is coming!"

"Why panic, the army has already crossed the river, and this prime minister is in charge of cutting off the rear."

As soon as Ma Chao heard Cao Cao's voice, it was as if he had been beaten with chicken blood.

He fought hard, broke through the interception of Cao Jun soldiers, and rushed towards Cao Cao.

"Go, let's go!"

Cao Cao was so frightened that he almost spit out shit.He kept urging his men to let them escape here.

"Where to escape?"

Ma Chao, who was behind him, came after him. Since he knew Cao Cao was here, how could he easily let him go.

"Stop him."

Cao Cao shouted hoarsely, and asked some of his cronies to intercept Ma Chao, while the rest escorted him to escape.

These trusted soldiers were still very powerful, and stopped the pursuers, but Ma Chao was the only one who rushed out.

But it also took Ma Chao some time and allowed Cao Cao to escape for a certain distance.

Seeing Ma Chao chasing after him, Cao Cao wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and panicked.

"Go, go!"

Cao Cao was almost paralyzed on his horse, constantly urging the soldiers to speed up.

"Cao thief, tonight is your death day!"

Ma Chao laughed, his voice still very clear in the night.

In the end, "Cao Cao" fell off his horse and died.

Ma Chao couldn't believe his eyes, Cao Mengde, who had power all over the world, just died like this?

Ma Chao provoked the body of "Cao Cao" with a long spear, but there was no sound. He made another shot, then turned over, and couldn't help being disappointed.

This person is wearing a big red robe, but his face is ugly. Where is Cao Cao?

No wonder his guards scattered and fled when "Cao Cao" fell from his horse.

This is basically a disguised Cao Cao, who doesn't even know how to ride a horse.

"Nimma, you've been fooled!"

What Ma Chao didn't know was that Cao Cao had already changed people after he was stopped for a while.

At this moment, Cao Cao's shout sounded from a hillside.

"Ma Mengqi, that's all you have, you deserve to be walked with my dog!"

Ma Chao was furious, and chased after him again with his gun.

The night was hazy, and no one knew how many troops Cao Cao's army had left here. Ma Chao's courage was not insignificant.

When Ma Chao rushed to the hillside, four or five "Cao Cao" left in several directions.

It is obvious at a glance that this is intentional.

Obviously he could leave early, but he insisted on waiting for Ma Chao to arrive.

That's abominable!

Ma Chao chased in one direction and beheaded a Dahongpao Cao Cao.

It's a pity that it was another counterfeit and left a letter for Ma Chao.

"Ma Mengqi, you can play here, the Prime Minister will seize Chang'an!"

Furious, Ma Chao searched for Cao Cao everywhere.

Until dawn, there is no gain.

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