Sure enough, Xiongxiong has good escape skills.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

During the meeting, the princes of Xiliang were frowning.

Han Sui broke the silence and said:

"Cao Cao is going to attack Chang'an, we have to guard against it!"

"Now that Hexi is almost lost, why do we need Chang'an?" Hou Xuan said.

"Short-sighted!" Han Sui scolded, "If there is no Chang'an, how can we negotiate with Cao Cao?"

That said, it makes sense.Moreover, the Xiongnu's reinforcements are coming soon, so there is no need to be polite to Cao Cao, and it would be cool to fight directly against him.

If Cao Cao were allowed to take back Chang'an, needless to say, this Guisun would definitely not be able to hold out.

At that time, even if they have an army of [-], what is the use.

Is it possible that Xiliang iron cavalry and Xiongnu warriors should risk their lives to fill the ravine?

"Chang'an must be rescued!" Ma Chao said firmly.

Both bigwigs have spoken, and of course the others have no objections.

Therefore, the Xiliang Allied Forces supported Chang'an.However, Ma Chao discovered something unusual. The number of Cao Cao's army seemed wrong!

Cao Cao's army that attacked Chang'an definitely did not exceed [-] people. Where did the others go?

"Quick, send someone to search!" Ma Chao ordered.

However, the princes of Xiliang didn't take it seriously, so why isn't this just tossing people around?

To search you to go, we will not go.

Xia Houyuan was lucky enough to escape the sight of the Xiliang coalition forces. He knew that time was precious and he could not allow him to hesitate.

He unfolded the map and decided to march five hundred miles in a hurry.

Deputy General Xu Huang expressed his opposition to this decision.

"At present, our army still has a way to retreat. If we rush for five hundred miles, not only will there be no way to retreat, but the soldiers will also be exhausted. How can we fight against the Xiongnu?"

"I have my own measure. If I don't distance myself from the Xiliang coalition forces, once the two armies form an encirclement, our army will have no choice but to die." Xia Houyuan said.

"When the prime minister is notified of the decision, the life and death of the [-] troops is not a joke." Xu Huang said cautiously.

"The general will not accept the order of the emperor. The prime minister is in Chang'an, and it takes one day to go back and forth. Once Ma Chao learns about our army's whereabouts, the prime minister's plan will be for naught." Xia Houyuan said.

Xia Houyuan explained so much, not just to convince Xu Huang, a titan.There is another meaning, which is to explain to Cao Cao through Xu Huang that there is a witness.

This battle is about the fate of the country, Xia Houyuan broke into a cold sweat.If he succeeds, his name will last forever; if he loses, he has no other choice but to die in battle.

This is the most elite unit of Cao Cao's army, not [-] to [-], but [-].

Therefore, Xia Houyuan packed lightly, took only half a month's rations, and started a long-distance raid.

It's a bit desperate.

What if the information is wrong and you don't meet the Huns?

If you encounter the Huns, what if you can't beat them?

Therefore, Xia Houyuan's heart was trembling, let alone Xu Huang.

So exciting!

The army marched for three days and went deep into the territory of Hexi. The defenders had already noticed it, so they hurriedly informed Ma Chao.

Xia Houyuan knew that he was running out of time, so he marched even harder.

On the other side, the Huns were also marching towards Hexi, and a small episode happened.

"Quickly, build a carriage for Ben Shanyu."

When Hu Chuquan travels in Yangzhou, he usually rides in a comfortable carriage. Now that he is on his way, he can't stand the bumpy ride.

Isn't life just for comfort?

"Chanyu, you are the Shanyu of the Huns, how can you ride in a carriage when you are marching and fighting?"

Facing the questioning from the guards, Hu Chuquan felt perplexed after he whipped once, so he whipped twice more and said angrily:

"Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and do things for Ben Chanyu. What Ben Chanyu says is what he says, do you hear me?"

Faced with Hu Chuquan's arrogant attitude, even though these Huns were his cronies, many people still showed angry expressions on their faces.

There is also contempt, when will the Xiongnu Shanyu want to ride a horse-drawn carriage?

The face of the guard who was beaten showed even more resentment. Yu Fuluo was the Shan Yu in his mind, so what was Hu Chuquan?

However, Shan Yu is always Shan Yu, aloof.

Faced with such an outrageous and unreasonable request from Hu Chuquan, these soldiers had to obey Hu Chuquan's order even though they were not angry.

They didn't want to hear it, so they posted a lot of people.The Huns also licked dogs, and many hard bones were killed.

The Huns didn't know how to be a carpenter's buddy, so after a whole day of tossing around, they came up with a completely different carriage.

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