Hu Chuquan was furious, and said: "You let the most noble Shanyu ride in such an ugly and broken car?"

The soldier, who was busy at first, came to Huchuquan with his head down and listened to his lecture.

Looking at these elm heads, Hu Chuquan became angry and said: "Everyone can whip twenty!"

This whip was extremely heavy, and the people who were beaten screamed, wishing that the whole army would know.

Later, it was spread to ten, ten to hundreds, and everyone knew Huchuquan's dominance.

The morale of the Huns plummeted!

What are you doing? !

When the Huns went out to fight, they could not rob things, and Shanyu had to make carriages.

It subverts everyone's three views.

"Shanyu, is this really all right?" Ma Dai looked worried.

"Hmph, what's the problem? You don't know anything about the rule of the Huns. We only believe in the strong. And Ben Shanyu is the strongest of the Huns." Hu Chuquan said.

"Of course Shan Yu is a strong man, but you still have to take care of things that damage your reputation." Ma Dai said.

"That's right, you reminded Ben Shanyu." Hu Chuquan said.

Originally, Ma Dai meant small punishments and big warnings, but Hu Chuquan directly suppressed them bloody and executed several people who chewed their tongues.

Although this move was temporarily useful, it caused panic among the Huns.

With such a Shan Yu, what can they do?

You can't resist him, can you?

The Huns dared not speak out, they could only gossip behind their backs.

In the past, the Huns would rise up and resist when they were dissatisfied, but now they will gossip.

Ma Dai was stunned. He always felt that this team was unusual and neither fish nor fowl, and he didn't know how to describe it.

Hope nothing happens!

In the end, Hu Chuquan was still unwilling to take the ugly carriage, but he could not wrong himself, and put a piece of animal skin under the saddle.

Finally feel better.

"Shan Yu, our speed is too slow." Ma Dai said.

"Now everyone is dissatisfied with Ben Shanyu. If we march in a hurry, wouldn't we lose our hearts?" Hu Chuquan rejected Ma Dai's proposal.

In fact, he was worried about his ass.

Life in Yangzhou is really too comfortable, and Hu Chuquan has not changed.

He can bear it in other aspects, but this food is really hard to swallow.

"Bah, what are these things? Ben Shanyu eats raw meat after it's been cooked? Garbage!"

Hu Chuquan cursed and cursed along the way, causing his subordinates to complain.

In order to satisfy Hu Chuquan's various wonderful demands, his cronies were heartbroken.

Everyone can't help but wonder, is this still here to fight?

"Shan Yu, we are almost at Hexi, please bear with me."

"A mere Cao Cao, when he heard Ben Shanyu's arrival, he must have run away."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"My lord, the Huns' army has entered Hexi."

Yangzhou scouts are all over the world, including Liangzhou of course.

"I see." Liu Ke said calmly.

"My lord, there is something I don't understand, please ask my lord to clarify." Jia Xu asked, clasping his hands.

"Wenhe, do you still need to be polite to me?"

Jia Xu smiled and said: "That's right, Cao Cao's army commanded by Xia Houyuan is only about twenty-five, while the Xiongnu's army is at least [-]. What if Xiahouyuan fails?"

"The Huns must be defeated," Liu Ke said.

Hu Chuquan thought that when he arrived at the grassland, he could break away from Liu Ke's control and become king, which was absolutely impossible.

"The Huns are fierce, but their Shanyu is not. During this period of time, Hu Chuquan was eating, drinking and having fun in Yangzhou. Even if he is ambitious, some habits cannot be changed. This will become a fatal flaw. Moreover, Hu Chuquan is Xin Shanyu has been separated from the Huns for so long, and he has no prestige at all."

Judging from this alone that the Huns would be defeated, Jia Xu still didn't quite believe it, but he didn't dare to express it, and seemed very entangled.

"Wenhe, let's wait and see."

"Okay, maybe the lord is also mistaken sometimes."

Yo, I'm still not convinced.

Liu Ke smiled and did not continue to argue.

On the other side, Xia Houyuan led the soldiers to travel two hundred miles day and night.

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