As for the scouts, it was as if they were being driven by Xia Houyuan to drive cattle. They were separated from the main army for a hundred miles, and were looking for the traces of the Huns ahead.

Horses can break their legs, let alone people.

Fortunately, Xia Houyuan's commanders were all elites, and there must have been complaints, but no one stood up to object.

On the fourth day, Emperor Tian paid off, and the scouts of Cao Cao's army finally discovered the slow-moving Xiongnu army.

After Xia Houyuan heard the news, he calculated the distance, and they had about half a day to rest.

"The whole army rests!"

The next thing was to fight to the death, Xia Houyuan didn't dare to relax, even Cao Chun's Tiger and Leopard Cavalry were sent out by him as scouts.

Time flies, Xia Houyuan selected Tibetan soldiers in the hilly area, and prepared to complete his meritorious service in one battle.

"Everyone, this battle is about the life and death of the imperial court. Only victory is allowed and no defeat is allowed. Whoever takes the head of Huchuquan will be rewarded with [-] gold and sealed [-] households."

At night, Xia Houyuan directly led his army to attack the Huns' camp.

When Xia Houyuan led his men into the Xiongnu camp, Ma Dai had just fallen asleep, and heard the sound of killing in a daze, but he woke up earlier than his own guards.

"Wake up, go out and see what happened!"

And Ma Dai went to find Hu Chuquan, who was obviously awakened too.

"Report, Shan Yu, the enemy has launched a sneak attack!" A Hun soldier came to report the shit.

"Enemy? Who is it?"

Hu Chuquan was furious, if he dared to attack him, he must have had the guts of a bear and a leopard.

However, the Huns who reported the message did not know who it was. It was getting late, visibility was low, and the forces in the Central Plains were complicated.

Who can tell the difference?

It would be nice to be able to know that it was the enemy who attacked the camp, not one of our own who rebelled.

Recently, everyone is very dissatisfied with Huchuquan.

"Trash! I don't even know who the enemy is!"

Hu Chuquan's anger was transferred to his own people, which made him lose face in front of his allies.

"Follow Ben Shanyu to kill the enemy!"

With a roar, Hu Chuquan led the gathered guards to fight out.

Along the way, Hu Chuquan held up the torch and gathered panicked soldiers. Gradually, more and more people gathered around him.

When he saw Xiahouyuan's battle flag, Ma Dai knew it immediately.

"Cao Cao!"

"What? It was Cao Cao's army that attacked Ben Shanyu? Isn't Hexi your territory? How could there be Cao Cao's army?"

Faced with Hu Chuquan's questioning, Ma Dai smiled wryly and said:

"Cao Cao's army is stationed in Hexi."

If it is the Central Plains forces, they will definitely ask why the Xiliang coalition forces let Cao Cao's army come over.But Hu Chuquan was different, he was laughing and fighting spirit was high.

"Haha, Cao Cao's army has come to give way, Hun warriors, let Shanyu kill them!"

Ma Dai looked a little dazed, could it be that the Xiliang Allied Forces were defeated?Otherwise, why would Cao Cao's army appear here...

But he quickly shook his head.

The Huns were so numerous that they immediately suppressed the attackers.

"General Cao, surrender, you are already surrounded by Ben Shanyu." Hu Chuquan shouted when he saw Xia Houyuan from a distance.

"Don't think about it, even if I die in battle, I will not surrender."

"Backbone!" Hu Chuquan praised Xia Houyuan.

"Haha, your garbage camp has been burned down by me. You're done, I should retreat too." Xia Houyuan laughed and led his army to break through.

In order to survive, Cao Cao's army fought the enemy bravely, and soon killed a bloody road.

Hu Chuquan was so angry that he was half dead, and wanted to leave after setting fire?no way!

"Hurry up, you bastards, you can't catch up with two legs with four legs? What's the use of you?!"

A night chase began.

Hu Chuquan chased after him for a while, and suddenly there was a loud drumbeat, and Xu Huang commanded the army to kill him.

The tiger and leopard rider also appeared out of nowhere, cutting off Huchuquan's retreat.

"Ambush? Will my Xiongnu warrior be afraid of ambush?"

Hu Chuquan took his time, and the two sides fought fiercely together.

Xia Houyuan led his army to turn back and counterattack, forming a formation of encircling three and missing one.

"Shan Yu, as long as you hold on for a while, reinforcements will come." Ma Dai said.

Although the tiger and leopard cavalry are elite, they are not many in number. How can they resist the [-] Hun army?

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