"Of course I know!" Hu Chuquan shouted.

After persisting for a quarter of an hour, Hu Chuquan became a little impatient.After persisting for half an hour, Hu Chuquan finally felt something was wrong.

What about his reinforcements?The four-legged one hasn't supported yet?

Seeing this scene, Xia Houyuan knew that the tiger and leopard cavalry had succeeded in their battle.

"Haha, Hu Chuquan, die, your reinforcements won't come!"

"How is it possible? Ben Shanyu's handsome flag is here!"

"The general has ordered people to spread the news of Shan Yu's death. The Huns in the camp may have fled long ago."

Hu Chuquan turned pale with shock, if this was the case, he would be in danger.

"Fuck, Ben Shanyu's subordinates are not without brains!"

In general, there are still brains.But Ma Dai thought of a terrible problem, Hu Chuquan is unpopular!

The subordinates suddenly heard that Hu Chuquan was dead, or was in deep siege, who would come to rescue him?

Now, they only have [-] to [-] horses on their side, but they have to face the [-] main force of Cao Cao's army.

Ma Dai feels bad!

"Chan Yu, let's break through."

However, Hu Chuquan didn't listen, he couldn't believe that his subordinates would betray him.

"Kill! The Huns warriors will not betray their Shanyu!"

The fighting lasted for nearly an hour.

The support of the Xiongnu army has not yet come, and Hu Chuquan is desperate.

"Fuck you, why don't you hurry up and escort Ben Shanyu to break through!"

Seeing that the Huns had lost their will to fight, Ma Dai added: "As long as Shan Yu successfully breaks through, everyone will be rewarded with ten sheep!"

Finally mobilized the enthusiasm of the Huns.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Protect Shanyu!"

The Xiongnu soldiers who were being pursued gathered around Huchuquan one after another, trying to protect him.

For the sake of ten sheep, we must work hard no matter what.


The ground shook, and the sound of horseshoes trampling the ground made a loud noise.

Tiger and leopard riders are like demons from hell, slowly revealing their figures in the darkness with bloody and murderous aura.

"Catch the Huchu Spring, there will be a lot of rewards!"

"Run away!"

Hu Chuquan knew about tiger and leopard cavalry, so he couldn't help exclaiming, with fear in his voice.

Ma Dai's face darkened all of a sudden, the appearance of the tiger and leopard rider was beyond his expectation, where did the other Huns go?

Did tm run away completely?

The tiger and leopard cavalry were like a sharp knife, stabbing directly into the formation of the Huns.

Facing the impact of the tiger and leopard cavalry, the Huns under Huchuquan's command couldn't bear it at all. Those who were knocked into the air, trampled, and slaughtered.

"You are the warriors of the Huns, why are you so vulnerable?"

Hu Chuquan yelled, but it didn't work, the Huns had lost their courage.

Things were so cruel, Xia Houyuan led his troops to sneak attack, the Huns rushed to fight, and they were defeated at the first touch. With the addition of elite tiger and leopard cavalry, no one could withstand their impact.

The most important thing is, except for some people brought out by Hu Chuquan.

None of the Huns came to rescue their Chanyu!

This made the haughty Hu Chuquan especially unacceptable.

Xia Houyuan relied on a sneak attack, which made it too late for him to be prepared.However, he took the lead in the charge, and his subordinates did not follow up.

Could it be that the blood of the Huns has been wiped out by the Marquis of Dongyang?

Hu Chuquan has seen the prosperity of Yangzhou, and also seen the power of Yangzhou soldiers.The Huns were not defeated by Xiahouyuan, but Dongyanghou!

Thinking about it this way, Hu Chuquan felt better.

Xia Houyuan didn't expect the Huns to be so vulnerable, they slaughtered them like melons and vegetables.

There are fewer and fewer guards around Hu Chuquan, and the pursuit is getting tighter and tighter.

"Is it possible that Ben Shanyu wants to explain here?"

At this moment, Chen Dao came out from the hazy night.

After finishing his errands, he lurked in Hexi, looking for first-hand news.

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