When Xia Houyuan raided the Xiongnu, Chen Dao arrived here, but kept hiding and did not make a move.

Before leaving, Liu Ke once told Chen Dao that if Huchuquan could be saved, he would be saved. This person is still useful.

Chen Dao decided to take a risk. There were only a few dozen people around him, and they used horses to drag branches to create momentum while attacking Xia Houyuan.

"No, it's an ambush!"

Xia Houyuan turned pale with fright. He ran for hundreds of miles, and he was not very familiar with the surrounding area.Suddenly encountered a soldier, he panicked.

Chen Dao suddenly fired his spear, suppressing Xia Houyuan at once, and then stabbed fiercely with his spear.

Xia Houyuan tried his best to resist, but Chen Dao still found a loophole and stabbed his shoulder with a gun. Xia Houyuan suffered from pain, and the big knife in his hand fell to the ground.

Chen Dao's martial arts was much inferior to Xia Houyuan's, but Xia Houyuan's long-distance raids and continuous fighting at night for nearly two hours had already exhausted most of his physical strength.Coupled with the sudden attack, Xia Houyuan's defenses were limited, so he succeeded.

Without saying a word, Xia Houyuan resolutely gave up the pursuit, turned around and ran away.

Chen Dao chased after him, dozens of people created a momentum of tens of thousands, chasing thousands of tigers and leopards.

This feeling is really exciting!

Chen Dao's blood boiled with enthusiasm. After chasing for a few miles, the sky was slightly bright. Chen Dao was afraid that Xia Houyuan would see the clue, so he led his army to retreat.

On the way, I met Ma Dai.

Ma Dai didn't know what to say, Xia Houyuan didn't know Chen Dao's reality, but Ma Dai knew it.

This group of people was so courageous that dozens of people ran after Cao Cao's army.

Aren't you afraid that Cao Cao's army will bite back?

Seeing Chen's unsatisfactory expression, it seems that he is not afraid.

"This strong man, dare to ask who is his name and where is he from?"

In fact, Ma Dai was also puzzled. Logically speaking, no one would help the Huns, and it was of no benefit.

At first he guessed that this was the Hexi garrison, but the Hexi garrison was not dressed like this, and there were no such heroes.

"A certain is Chen Dao, whose name is Shuzhi, and is a scout under the Marquis of Dongyang!"

Chen Daobao reported the remarks he had prepared a long time ago.

This time, Ma Dai was even more shocked, but soon relieved.It was no surprise that the Marquis of Dongyang paid attention to the war in Xiliang.

"Little brother, Ma Dai is here. Ma Chao is my elder brother. You are so brave and resourceful. You should be a general. How can you be willing to be a scout? If you want, I can introduce you to my elder brother."

Cao Cao's army fought against the Xiongnu's army, a total of [-] soldiers and horses. Chen Dao led dozens of people, and even participated in it. Aren't you afraid of being smashed to pieces?

However, Chen Dao's entry point is very good.When Cao Cao's army was in a trance, he suddenly rushed out, and Xia Houyuan was stabbed and scared away.

A famous general cannot do anything.

Ma Dai loves talents and hopes to recruit Chen Dao.

"Haha! I already have a master." Chen Dao laughed loudly.

"Uncle Zhi, although Yangzhou is good, but the ambition of a man is everywhere. And Yangzhou is full of talents, I'm afraid you will not have a bright future." Ma Dai said earnestly and sincerely. Ma Dai was also speechless about Dongyanghou's extravagance. Chen Dao like this The talents were actually used as scouts.

"General Ma, don't underestimate the scouts, they are very promising." Chen Daodao said that he had been going back and forth between the Xiliang military camp and Cao Cao's military camp these days, having a great time.

Seeing that Chen Dao has made up his mind, Ma Dai doesn't want to force him, but he just thinks that his face is not big enough.

Hu Chuquan came to see his savior, and when he knew it was a Yangzhou scout, he almost knelt down.

"Young hero! Why don't you stay by my side and protect me, and when the war is over, I'll give you a lot of money."

Combat is too dangerous, and Hu Chuquan is deeply aware of this.

"I have a mission." Chen Dao refused.

"Is there a mission for Marquis Dongyang? If you need help, just ask, and I will definitely help." Hu Chuquan said enthusiastically.

"There's no need to help. Shanyu should gather his troops and prepare to fight again. Ma Mengqi knows that there is a change in Hexi, and he is leading the cavalry here. If Shanyu wants to take revenge, this is a good time." Chen to the road.

Thinking of the humiliation of defeat, Hu Chuquan felt weak.

How could he be in such a mess if it wasn't for the fact that all the tribes of the Huns dispersed?

Hu Chuquan secretly hated, but now is not the time for liquidation.The first thing to do is to kill Xia Houyuan, the biggest enemy.

"thanks for reminding!"

When Ma Dai's mind twitched, he knew how important this information was.

Unexpectedly, the Marquis of Dongyang would control Xiliang to such an extent that Ma Dai couldn't help feeling a little scared.The information they didn't know, Dongyang Hou actually got to know it first.

"Follow the book for revenge!"

Hu Chuquan was full of fighting spirit.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The Hexi garrison urgently reported that Xia Houyuan commanded the main force of Cao Cao's army to march northwest.

Ma Chao was taken aback.

When he learned that in the Chang'an area, Cao Cao's army had only [-] soldiers attacking the city, Ma Chao realized that something was wrong.

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