Now that the news came, Ma Chao woke up. The target of Cao Cao's army turned out to be the Huns.

Cao Cao's army went deep alone, wouldn't they be afraid of being made dumplings?

"Governor, the situation is urgent, please unite all the cavalry and fight back against Xia Houyuan!"

Han Sui knew the seriousness of the matter and immediately agreed to Ma Chao's proposal.

Ma Chao was able to command [-] cavalry and rushed to Hexi.Under the attack of the Huns, Xia Houyuan will definitely fail.

Cao Cao lost his main force, so this victory is even greater.

The [-] iron cavalry were dispatched with great momentum. Cao Cao's army scouts were not blind, so of course they would report to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao always had a bad premonition in his heart. He always felt that disaster was imminent, but he didn't know why.

Now directly confirmed.

Ma Chao found Xia Houyuan's trail!

Cao Cao paced back and forth anxiously, suffering from another headache.

"Wonderful talent! Wonderful talent! What should I do to help you?"

At this moment, the ghost valley hermit sent a letter, but the errand runner was replaced by Lu Meng.

Cao Cao was overjoyed, and when he opened it, he couldn't help hesitating.

However, there is no other way to turn defeat into victory except to follow what is said in the letter.

"Hurry up, give this secret order to General Xiahou, and you must hurry up before Ma Chao."

After the messenger took the order, he changed several horses and broke several horse legs.


Xia Houyuan, who received Cao Cao's order, couldn't believe his eyes.

"The prime minister wants a strong man to cut off his wrist."

Xu Huang didn't know why.

Xia Houyuan didn't explain either, and said, "General Xu Huang, I have a task for you."

"Go ahead," Xu Huang clasped his fists and said.

"I will lead the army to attract Ma Chao's attention, and you will lead the elite back to Chang'an, flanking the prime minister back and forth, and defeating Han Sui's army!" Xia Houyuan said firmly.

"I will leave enough food for you, please take care of everything."

"No!" Xu Huang refused, of course he knew what kind of danger those who stayed would encounter.

"The lord wants General Xiahou to lead the army back, and I will just stay."

"Xu Huang, this general is the commander-in-chief. I'm not asking for your opinion, but an order, you know? Military orders are like mountains!" Xia Houyuan said.

"General Xiahou..." Xu Huang burst into tears.

"Only I can be flexible and changeable, and be able to seek a chance for the army. You are still far behind!" Xia Houyuan said.

"General Xiahou is resourceful and resourceful, and I'm not as good as this one. This return to aid will definitely be a fight to the death, leaving the main force of Xiliang in Chang'an!" Xu Huang said sonorously.

"Well said! If we work together, we will surely win. I will be here at that time, waiting for the prime minister's army to rescue us." Xia Houyuan said, he was confident that he would last longer than Han Sui.

"General Xiahou, take care! Miao Cai, take care!" Xu Huang said.

After the two bid farewell briefly, Xu Huang led the [-] elite to avoid Ma Chao's march.

This means that Xia Houyuan will be attacked first and needs to hold on for a longer time.But he has no regrets.

"Set up camp here!"

Xia Houyuan ordered, this order is almost equivalent to a death order.

Cao Cao's army was short of food, and it was very serious.

Set up camp at this time, isn't it waiting to die?

During the camping period, Xia Houyuan also sent people to search for food everywhere, but the effect was very little, and it lasted for a few more days at most.

And Hu Chuquan took this opportunity to rectify the army and horses, and got [-].

As for where the remaining [-] troops went, tmd Hu Chuquan himself couldn't explain clearly.

When they came out, there were [-] troops, but now there are only [-] left. One can imagine the low morale.

"I am a mighty Hun warrior, why do I look dejected?"

It was as if Shan Yu had died.

"Shan Yu, you should show off your martial prowess." Ma Dai suggested.

Hu Chuquan also felt that this strategy was useful, so he specifically went to provoke Xiahouyuan's camp.

"Xiahou old thief, come out and fight me to the death!"

"Haha, I don't dare, general. Once I go to battle, I'm afraid your Hun army will be broken like tofu." Xia Houyuan mocked.

"Fuck!" Hu Chuquan was furious, and ordered his subordinates to shoot a wave of arrows.

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