It's a pity that the camp built by Xia Houyuan was watertight. He had already considered this point and prepared many wooden sheds for the soldiers to hide in.

Hu Chuquan ordered the rockets to be released again. Unfortunately, the wood in Cao Cao's barracks had been specially treated, and ordinary small fires could not be ignited at all.

"Don't waste your efforts, you are not qualified enough to defeat me," Xia Houyuan said.

Three days later, Ma Chao commanded the army to arrive.

Xia Houyuan breathed a sigh of relief instead!

This shows that Xu Huang has safely avoided Ma Chao's eyes and ears, and what Xia Houyuan was most worried about did not happen.

But this is also reasonable, Ma Chao rushed on the road in a hurry, wishing to show up to fight Xia Houyuan, how could he pay attention to other places.

"Xiahouyuan, if you surrender, I can let you go back."

"Ma Mengqi, don't even think about it, attack my camp if you have the ability."

Ma Chao glanced at Ma Dai, who shook his head, but found no weakness in the camp.

"Hmph, I only need to surround you for seven days, so is it possible that you want to eat human flesh?"

Cao Cao's army is short of food!

In order to pack lightly, Xia Houyuan only brought food for more than a dozen days, and now he has almost finished eating.

"You don't care if you eat human flesh or not. In short, there are only Xiahou who died in battle, and there are no Xiahou who surrendered."

"Okay, then I'll capture you alive and see what Cao Cao has to say!"

There was a scolding battle between the two sides, and no one would accept the other.

Ma Chao had no choice but to retreat first.

Hu Chuquan couldn't help laughing when he heard that Ma Chao's reinforcements were coming, but he was a little disappointed when he learned that there were only [-] troops.

"General Ma, why don't you bring the main force of Xiliang here and kill Xia Houyuan first?"

Of course, Ma Chao also wanted to eat the [-] Cao Cao's army, but Chang'an couldn't lose it either. This was the capital to bargain with Cao Cao.

"It's enough that I'm here."

"There are too few people, how to attack the camp?" Hu Chuquan said dissatisfied.

"Let's starve them for a few days first. If they lose their strength, can they still compete with our army?" Ma Chao asked.

Makes sense.

"Then let Xia Houyuan live a few more days." Hu Chuquan said.

In the next few days, Hu Chuquan was very active, provoking Xia Houyuan every day.

Every time Cao Junying opened the gate to fetch water, he would be attacked by the Huns.

This time Huchuquan worked as a coolie and vowed not to give up until Xiahouyuan was beaten to death.

In the battle of dozens of people, Hu Chuquan had to come to the scene to command, and he continued to increase his troops until Cao Cao's army was beaten until he dared not take the lead.

"Huchuquan Shanyu is not bad, the Huns are warlike, it is true." Ma Chao commented.

Hearing this, Ma Dai showed a meaningful wry smile.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Ma Chao commanded the cavalry to leave, and Han Sui was in a good mood.

Now, he is worthy of the name of the boss.When Ma Chao was around, he had to give him some power, which made Han Sui very upset.

"Governor, now Cao Cao's army is just bluffing, we should launch an attack." Ma Wan suggested.

Han Sui listened to Ma Wan's words, and slowly, his eyes gradually lit up, and finally sparkled even more.

But it soon dimmed, and said: "No hurry, it's not yet time."

"Great governor, the main force led by Xia Houyuan is just a tired army, and lacks food and grass. Ma Chao and the Huns will be able to take it all at once. When his prestige rises, your position as the commander-in-chief will not be stable. "Ma Wan said.

No wonder Ma Chao is so active and has such an idea!

Han Sui suddenly felt that he had been fooled.

"That's right, it must be like this!"

So Han Sui's army pressed forward and attacked Cao Cao's camp.

"Han Sui, take advantage of my army's absence, otherwise he will definitely look good!" Cao Cao said indignantly.

However, Cao Cao would not succumb to this.

This is how the battle started.

The battle of Hexi also kicked off.

Early in the morning, Xia Houyuan ordered the soldiers to do morning exercises.

You know, morning exercise consumes a lot of physical strength, and when the physical strength is exhausted, you have to eat.

Could it be that Xia Houyuan still has food?

Hu Chuquan was taken aback. During this period of time, he worked so hard to prevent a Cao soldier from leaving the camp.

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