It turned out to be ineffective?

Hu Chuquan could not accept this result.

"Shan Yu, Xia Houyuan is probably bluffing," Ma Dai said.

It turns out that the Central Plains people are cunning, and they were almost deceived.

"Ha ha!"

Hu Chuquan finally burst out laughing, he sneered and shouted to Xia Houyuan: "Xia Houyuan, don't bluff, your tricks have already been seen through by Shanyu."

"What trick?" Xia Houyuan was a little stunned.

"Pretend, you still pretend! Your subordinates are already so hungry that they are about to lose their balance!"

Hu Chuquan felt that his words had exposed Xia Houyuan's lie, so Xia Houyuan would definitely panic at this moment.

However, Hu Chuquan soon realized that he seemed to be wrong. After he finished yelling, there was no panic on Xia Houyuan's side.

"Hu Chuquan, where did you get this confidence?" Xia Houyuan asked.

"Have you broken your brain?" The soldier in the barracks laughed.


Hu Chuquan was furious, and your brain was broken.

Xia Houyuan said again: "Hu Chuquan, I don't know where your confidence comes from, but in order to prove that you are an idiot, please listen to it!"

Following Xia Houyuan's beckoning, violent shouts erupted from Cao Cao's army.

"Hu Chuquan, you big idiot!"

Where does this look like being hungry?

Cao Cao's army is alive and well!

Hu Chuquan suddenly felt his hands and feet were icy cold, his whole body felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and a sense of humiliation welled up in his head.

"Give me the order to attack!"

The Battle of Hexi started early in a daze.

Ma Chao doesn't know what to say, can't he wait two more days?

Xia Houyuan probably fought while there was enough food to injure the coalition forces as much as possible.

It's a pity that Hu Chuquan was so angry that he couldn't control his head.

In this way, the key to victory or defeat rested entirely on Xu Huang.If he can't make great achievements, Cao Cao's army will be finished.

Xia Houyuan was crushed and beaten, as was Cao Cao.Only Xu Huang can change the entire battle situation, so he is under a lot of pressure.

But at this time, it's okay to have no confidence.

"The whole army obeys the order, rushes to Chang'an, defeats the coalition forces, today!"

Xu Huang didn't think about any schemes, he brainwashed the soldiers over and over again along the way, how important the responsibility they shouldered was.They are irreplaceable.

The soldiers were full of fighting spirit, they needed a vent, and rushed towards Han Suijun's ass like a flood breaking a bank.

"What?! Is there an ambush? Where did the ambush come from?"

Ma Chao took away [-] cavalry, and Han Sui still had about [-] infantry, which were still strong.

The combined forces of Cao Cao and Cao Ren only had [-] troops, and the newcomer Xu Huang only had [-] troops, so his troops were at a disadvantage.

"Report to the Governor, a Cao Cao army rushed from Hexi direction."

"Fuck, why does Hexi still have Cao Cao's army, how many ambushes does he have, who can tell me?"

Han Sui cursed regardless of his image. He was a rebel and a rough man.

Everyone in Xiliang is the same, so they have long been used to it.

"How many troops does Cao Cao's army have behind us?"

"About one hundred thousand!"

The scout reported an approximate data.

Han Sui still wanted to scold for a while, but thinking that solving the problem was more important, he suppressed his temper and said:

"Who will fight against Cao Cao's army behind?"

All the generals lowered their heads one by one.

"Damn, it's at this time, no birdman has stepped forward, do you want to taste the taste of annihilation?"

"The last general is willing to go!" Ma Wan stood up and said, "It's just that there are not enough troops."

"Well done, you deserve to be my warrior from Xiliang!" Han Sui gave Mawan a thumbs-up.

"Candidate, you also go to Lao Tzu, is there any problem?"

The candidates who were named looked unhappy and came out and said:

"In the end, the general must do his best."

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