"The two soldiers and horses add up to [-] people. Let's resist for a while and wait for my reinforcements, you know?" Han Sui said.

"Understood!" Ma Wan and the candidate said in unison.

The two commanded the army, directly contacted Xu Huang, and a big battle broke out.

"So-and-so is Xu Huang, don't kill unknown pawns, come and know your name."

"Suffer to death!"

Ma Wan roared angrily, and raised the iron gun in his hand to meet Xu Huang.

Stop talking nonsense with me!


The spear intersected with the double axes, and Ma Wan immediately felt a strong force coming from his spear, which made his arms go numb.

Sure enough, no one with a giant ax should be underestimated.

With just one move, Ma Wan knew that he couldn't compete with Xu Huang.

"Hmph, I'm not as strong as you, let's see how I can kill you with my skills."

Then Ma Wan started to fight with Xu Huang. After more than ten rounds of fierce fighting, Ma Wan knew it well and couldn't play with his skills.

He looked left and right.

"Candidate, you trash, hurry up and help me!"

The Xiliang Allied Forces were at a disadvantage from the very beginning, and they were defeated and retreated steadily, unable to hold back at all.

Ma Wan has some strength, but he is not Xu Huang's opponent. It is not easy for Xu Huang to defeat Ma Wan, and it will take some effort.

Hearing Ma Wan's words, the candidate was upset, but he still rushed out of the crowd to help resist Xu Huang.

Now, the army has no one to command, and it is even more chaotic.

Ma Wan couldn't help being extremely annoyed, all the soldiers under him were defeated, and he still insisted that it was meaningless, maybe he would be surrounded and beaten to death later, so he concealed his shot and prepared to escape.

"Candidate, you resist for a while, I will go to find the weak point of Cao Cao's army."

As a result, the candidate ran faster than the horse.


Ma Wan scolded the candidate for being shameless, and then ran away with him.

When Han Sui's reinforcements arrived, he saw such a distressed appearance.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Fuck, let you hold on for a while, and the reinforcements will arrive. How long has it been since I'm fucking old?"

Han Sui cursed, and then fought the wolf-like Xu Huang's army.

Damn candidate, I wish you were killed.

Ma Wan cursed fiercely in his heart.

The candidate was killed, and all the responsibilities were directly shifted to the candidate, so that no one would be held accountable for his defeat.

Even if you are alive, you can splash dirty water.

"Great Governor, the candidate fled the battle and caused our army to be defeated. I also ask the Great Governor to punish him for his crimes."

"Trash, it's all trash!" Han Sui cursed, pointing at Ma Wan's forehead.

Xu Huang is too fierce. Without the strongest Ma Chao, no one in the coalition can stop him.

He just rushed towards Han Sui, and saw Han Sui's handsome flag fluttering at a glance. It was like a big lantern in the dark night, attracting his attention.

Four generals stopped Xu Huang, and after a while, three of the four fell down, and one remained.

Seeing Xu Huang's terror, the last general panicked and frightened.

He turned and ran.


Han Sui scolded his mother as he watched, and swore in his heart that he would kill this subordinate with his own hands later.

The general panicked and fled towards Han Sui's position.

"Fuck, you trash, don't run to Lao Tzu, lead him away, you know? Fuck!"

"Haha, waste, where are you going to escape?" Xu Huang laughed and caught up. The killing did not make him feel tired, but full of energy.

After a while, Xu Huang quickly caught up.


Xu Huang showed no mercy to the general of the coalition army. The general fell down screaming, with half of his shoulder cut off by an axe.

Well, there is no need for Han Sui to execute him now.

"Hurry up and stop him!" Han Sui scolded.

Cheng Yin rode his horse to meet him, holding a long spear, biting towards his prey like a poisonous snake suddenly bursting out.

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