At this time Xu Huang was panting, defenseless.

Cheng Yin was very confident and proud of his sneak attack. He thought he had seized the best opportunity, and Xu Huang would be half disabled if he didn't die.

At that time, how can he earn the title of one of the strongest warriors in Xiliang.

"Despicable villain, how dare you attack me? Get lost!"

Xu Huang roared angrily, and thunder fell.

Cheng Yin felt thousands of thunders ringing in his ears, which directly deafened his ears.

He only heard a buzzing sound in his ears, but he was not slow at all, attacking with hatred.


A huge force "blows" Cheng Yin up, and he falls heavily to the ground.

The whole process took only a short while, not only Cheng Yin's ears were buzzing, but now his head was also buzzing.

In order to support Cao Cao, Xu Huang broke out with unparalleled combat power, three points stronger than usual.

"Let's go together and kill him!" Han Sui shouted.

Relying on the superiority of his troops, Han Sui gradually suppressed Xu Huang's army.

"Haha, you still want to sneak attack me, daydreaming!" Han Sui laughed.

Xu Huang, who was besieged, was gradually exhausted, and there were fewer and fewer guards around him, and he didn't even have a short time to take a breath.

"Am I, Xu Huang, going to die here?"

Just when Xu Huang was in despair, drums sounded from the sky.

Cao Hong and Cao Ren each commanded thousands of cavalry to kill them, and roared at the same time: "The prime minister has led the heavenly soldiers, why don't the rebels surrender quickly?!"

Xu Huang was refreshed for a while, and with a turn of the giant axe, the rebels couldn't get close.

"The prime minister is here, haha! The prime minister is here!"

Xu Huang laughed and swung his giant ax again to kill the enemy.

As Cao Hong and Cao Ren joined the battlefield, they played an inspiring role, and the battle situation escalated for a while.

"Thousands of people are also here to be arrogant, Zhang Heng, you go and deal with them." Han Sui ordered.

"The last general takes orders!" Zhang Heng took the rest of the cavalry and went up.

The two sides fought fiercely.

"Governor, Cao Cao's army may arrive soon, why not fight another day." Ma Wan suggested.

If it had been suggested before, Han Sui might have agreed, but it's a pity that Ma Wan had just been defeated.

If Han Sui retreated after hearing Ma Wan's words, wouldn't he appear to be as timid as Ma Wan?

"Don't disturb the morale of the army. I have [-] troops, and Cao's army is only [-]. I'm afraid he will be fooled!" Han Sui said.

A quarter of an hour later, Cao Cao arrived in command of the army, and launched a general attack without saying a word, even saving the scene.

"Fuck, Cao Cao, do you really think I'm afraid of you? The whole army is on top!" Han Sui said.

Boom boom boom!

The drums on both sides were so loud that the drum skins were almost broken.


The melee gradually escalated, and now it's all right, even the command is saved.

Cao Cao drew his sword and shouted: "Everyone, follow me to fight!"

"Prime Minister, it's just a group of rebels, you don't have to do it yourself." The guard advised, fearing that something might happen to Cao Cao.

However, Cao Cao beheaded the guard with a sword, and a strong smell of blood rose.

"This battle is related to the fate of the country. How can I be willing to spare my life and not fight?"

Damn, so ruthless, who dares to persuade?

At this moment, Cao Cao had no general to protect him, but he still launched an attack.He has a good horse and a good sword, and he can also go into battle to kill the enemy.

"The prime minister is here, and the prime minister will fight side by side with us!"

"Follow the Prime Minister's footsteps, go!"

The morale of Cao Cao's army was greatly boosted, and the Xiliang coalition army threw away their helmets and armor.

Who said that Cao Cao's army is not as good as Xiliang in field battles?

As long as you have faith in your heart, any enemy can be defeated.

The bloody killing began.

Han Sui looked at the scene in front of him, dumbfounded.

Cao Cao's army is so strong?The coalition is so weak?

what the hell!Hurry up!

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