However, Han Sui's inner roar had no effect, and Cao Cao's army screamed.

"Take down Han Sui's dog's head and seal ten thousand households!" Cao Cao promised.

This is Wanhuhou!

"Catch Han Sui! Behead him!"

Han Sui suddenly felt a chill on his neck, is it too dangerous here?

"Come on, hold on to me!"

Han Sui yelled, looking for an opportunity to slip away.

"You, holding my handsome flag, stand here, you know?"

The flag soldier looked bewildered, and then looked at death like home and said: "The people are here and the flag is here!"

Han Sui was very pleased.

"I will go to the front to supervise the battle."

After saying that, he ran away.

After running for a certain distance, Han Sui turned his head and saw, what the hell, the handsome flag was gone, and Cao Cao's army obviously didn't kill there.


The person who agreed is here, but you are lying to me!

However, Han Sui had no time to stay, so it was important to escape.

Originally, the Xiliang coalition forces were only at a disadvantage, but now they were blown up.

"Han Sui has escaped!"

"Your governor has given up on you!"

Cao Cao's army took the opportunity to shout and disturb the morale of the coalition forces.

Everyone didn't believe it at first, but they couldn't find Shuaiqi no matter what.

md, don't take us with you when you run away!


Really rout!

Seeing this scene, Cao Cao burst out laughing.

"Kill and capture Han Sui, there will be a lot of rewards."

Xu Huang rushed all the way, but unfortunately he was exhausted and collapsed in the end.

With a wave of Cao Cao's hand, countless soldiers rushed forward to protect Xu Huang.

"What a warrior!"

At this moment, Xu Huang raised his head vigorously.

"Prime Minister, the last general is lucky to live up to his fate!"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Xiahou old thief, come out and fight with me!"

Hu Chuquan went to Cao Cao's barracks again arrogantly and domineeringly. As the Xiongnu Chanyu, it was indeed a drop in price.

But he never tires of it. It is a beautiful thing to see the enemy who defeated him hide in the camp aggrieved.

Just as Hu Chuquan was about to open his mouth to continue mocking, he suddenly shot at him with an arrow.

He shot Hu Chuquan's horse BMW.

The war horse fell down after struggling, and Hu Chuquan fell a piece of shit.

Xia Houyuan raised the bow in his hand, quite provocatively.Originally he was aiming at Huchu Spring, but the distance exceeded 130 steps, and it was luck that he was able to hit the horse.

"Bastard, Ben Shanyu is going to kill you!" Hu Chuquan felt ashamed and angry in pain.

"Come out and fight Ben Shanyu, today Ben Shanyu must teach you a lesson."

Xia Houyuan laughed, not paying attention at all.

Hu Chuquan was so angry that he pointed at Xia Houyuan and cursed: "Come out, let's see if Ben Shanyu will punish you?"

Xia Houyuan pointed at the war horse on the ground, and said with a half-smile, "Who will take care of whom?"

"Damn, damn!"

Hu Chuquan was so angry that he jumped up and almost rushed up with a weapon.

"Really think Ben Shanyu can't do anything to you?"

Xia Houyuan curled his lips, not believing that Hu Chuquan had any abilities.

Soon, Xia Houyuan heard Hu Chuquan's triumphant and laughing laughter, mixed with the screams of Cao Jun's soldiers.

How is this going?

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