Xia Houyuan instinctively rolled to the side, narrowly dodging the shot.

"Haha, Xia Houyuan, do you still dare to be arrogant? Take this single knife!"

Hu Chuquan rushed to kill Ma Chao in front of him, which made Ma Chao very dissatisfied.

This guy actually blocks the way? !

Hu Chuquan slashed down with a knife, Xia Houyuan burst out of the limit of his body in fright and anger, not only dodged Hu Chuquan's attack, but also jumped up suddenly, pushed Hu Chuquan off his horse, and took his horse and ran wildly.

A series of movements flowed smoothly, and by the time Ma Chao reacted, Xia Houyuan had already fled.

Only one Huchuquan was left behind.

"Damn it! Xia Houyuan, Ben Shanyu and you are at odds!"

Making a fool of himself twice made Hu Chuquan angry.

Ma Chao glanced at Hu Chuquan meaningfully, making the latter turn red.

"Shan Yu is really good at provocation. The victory of this battle is [-]% due to Shan Yu."

"Where is there, please ask General Ma to pursue Xia Houyuan and not let him escape." Hu Chuquan also learned humility in Yangzhou.

Ma Chao stopped talking nonsense and continued to pursue Xia Houyuan.

The two sides fought for an hour, and Cao Cao's army showed defeat.

Xia Houyuan had no choice but to lead his army to break through.

However, how can two legs run faster than four?

"Scatter and escape! The whole army will meet in Chang'an!"

"Good luck everyone!"

For the sake of the lives of the soldiers, Xia Houyuan had no choice but to issue this order.

Cao Cao's army walked all the way, scattered a group of people, and made Ma Chao, who was chasing him, complain endlessly.

Who is better to chase?

In the end, Ma Dai gave a suggestion.

"Brother, chase in the direction of Chang'an."

"You're still smart."

So, Ma Chao led the cavalry all the way to chase and kill, killing countless people along the way, but no trace of Xia Houyuan was found.

Cao Cao's army suffered heavy losses.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Report to General, found Xia Houyuan's trace!"

"Take me there!"

Ma Chao said solemnly, this time Xia Houyuan must be caught.

Xia Houyuan is one of the most important generals of Cao Cao's army, and also Cao Cao's right-hand man. His value is immeasurable.


When Ma Chao led his troops to kill, Xia Houyuan was resting in the mountain stream.

"Stop hurting my general!"

Xiahouyuan's personal guards hurried forward to stop Ma Chao, creating opportunities for Xiahouyuan to escape.

For these loyal soldiers of Cao Cao's army, Ma Chao looked at them contemptuously, roared angrily, and swept his spears.

"Go away!"

Ma Chao made three strikes, five cut two, and eliminated more than a dozen people.

Xia Houyuan took this opportunity to mount his horse, holding a long knife in one hand.

"Xiahou Miaocai, give me a blow!"

Xia Houyuan hurriedly blocked, but he didn't have a good rest for several days, had a meal, and was hungry. Compared with Ma Chao, his strength was too disparate.


Xia Houyuan felt himself being hit head-on by a bison, and the huge impact made him lean back.

"Ma Mengqi, Hugh is crazy, watch the knife!"

Xia Houyuan yelled and fought back with all his strength.

After forcing Ma Chao back, Xia Houyuan yelled at his subordinates: "Speed ​​back!"

Due to the reduction in personnel, there is no need for so many war horses.So Xia Houyuan's personal guards formed a formation of Kong's war horses and stabbed them hard in the buttocks.

The war horse suffered from pain and rushed forward desperately.

Everyone used this to break through.

Xia Houyuan fled in front, and Ma Chao chased after. The two sides ran wildly in the field, and there was a stalemate for a while.

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