"Our army's horses are exhausted, and they will definitely not be able to run away from Ma Chao. You should separate and run for your lives!" Xia Houyuan said in despair.

"General, we live and die together!"

Xia Houyuan was also moved, he stopped talking about his frustration, and beat his ass desperately, wishing he could put on a pair of wings.

Suddenly, a group of troops appeared in front of them. Xia Houyuan was taken aback. Looking at the flag, it was the Xiliang Allied Forces.

Isn't this luck too bad?

Cao Cao's army is miserable!

On the other hand, the chasing party was overjoyed.

"Quickly, raise the banner high and let them identify themselves." Ma Chao ordered.

According to this situation, the friendly army is chasing the enemy, and the army that suddenly appeared in front should help intercept it, right?

The road is so narrow.

However, a surprising scene appeared.

The Xiliang army that appeared in front of them dispersed like a frightened bird, letting Xia Houyuan roar past.

Ma Chao was furious, wishing he could kill the leader with a single shot.After chasing for a while, Ma Chao couldn't catch up. The upset Ma Chao simply stopped chasing and turned back to trouble the army.

"It's Ma Mengqi, who are you under?"

"General, we are soldiers under the command of the governor."

"Why don't you intercept the enemy for me? Do you know who let go? It's Xia Houyuan!"

It's a pity that these people who claim to be under Han Sui's command are ashamed, and they always have an indifferent attitude when they hear Xia Houyuan's name.

"The Great Governor is defeated! The [-] army is wiped out!"

These words were like a thunderbolt, and Ma Chao couldn't believe his ears.

"What did you say?!"

"The governor was defeated in Chang'an."

"I'm so angry!" Ma Chao was furious, but he had no place to vent his anger.

After that, deserters appeared continuously. Ma Chao gathered his soldiers and horses while searching for Han Sui's trace.

As for Xia Houyuan?

Still chasing a fart!

Han Sui led all the princes to appear on the third day, all of them were downcast, as if their parents were dead.

"One, two, three, four...At the beginning, ten groups of soldiers and horses, ten groups of princes, [-] troops attacked Cao Cao. Now there are many princes, how about your troops?" Ma Chao sarcastically asked.

Cheng Yi became displeased, and said: "Ma Mengqi, what are you pretending? Chang'an was defeated, and there were also your Ma family's infantry."

It's okay not to mention this, but Ma Chao gets angry when he mentions this.

"Isn't it a waste commander like you?!"

"Who do you call a waste?" Cheng Yi said angrily. He suffered a lot from the defeat, and now he is being ridiculed and looked down upon by Ma Chao. Does he want to lose face?

"You're trash." Ma Chao cursed, pointing at Cheng Yi's nose.

"I defeated Xiahouyuan's [-] troops in Hexi, but you are lucky, the [-] troops were destroyed!"

"It's not that serious, it's just a defeat." Liang Xing said weakly.

When the time comes to gather the broken soldiers, it will be another hero!

On this issue, everyone supports Cheng Yi.There is no way, Ma Chao has already opened the map gun.

Is it possible that anyone is willing to admit that he is a waste?

Everyone is an ambitious prince without this hobby.

Han Sui hid in the carriage and did not participate in it. He is the governor, wouldn't it be embarrassing to go out now?

"Brother, the most important thing now is to reject Cao's bandits in the east, so that we can gather troops and horses to fight again." Ma Dai persuaded, not wanting Ma Chao and the princes of Xiliang to have too stiff a fight.

"Hmph, the defeated general!"

Ma Chao snorted coldly and left, not even interested in seeing Han Sui anymore.Ma Dai had no choice but to leave.

"What! Ma Mengqi really thinks he is very powerful? Didn't everyone pool together a hundred thousand cavalry!" Cheng Yi said.

This sentence speaks to everyone's heart.

"Yes, my five thousand soldiers and horses are still in Ma Chao's hands, no, I want to take back the command right away."

"I also have three thousand soldiers and horses."

Everyone was talking about it, and they didn't have any military power at hand, so they didn't dare to speak loudly.Seeing Ma Chao's arrogant look, he became angry.

"Everyone, I will rely on my good nephew to fight against Cao Cao in the future. Don't you think it's too much for you to say that?"

Han Sui poked his head out and said.

"Don't talk about it in front of him, bear with it, it's good for everyone."

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