"The governor is more tolerant. Ma Mengqi is so arrogant, and you are not angry at all." Cheng Yi said.

Accidentally took a flattery.

Han Sui nodded meaningfully. If he hadn't been defeated, he would have been even more arrogant.

Alas, old and useless, now it is the world of young people.

But since he is still alive, he must fight.

Han Sui has fought and fought all his life, but he has never been afraid of anyone.Isn't that just defeat?It's just a comeback.

Ma Chao led [-] cavalry to the border, and Cao Cao stopped pursuing them. The two sides had a tacit understanding.

However, after Ma Chao came back, all the princes recalled their own troops, and together with the gathering of defeated troops, the coalition army still had [-] troops.

Although morale is low, they can still fight.

On the other side, Cao Cao also welcomed Xia Houyuan back.

"My lord! Please punish me!" Xia Houyuan knelt down and said, the hundreds of thousands of troops are gone.

Xu Huang took away [-] troops, while Xia Houyuan's actual strength was less than [-].

"What's the crime!" Cao Cao said as he helped Xia Houyuan up.

Cao Cao knew clearly that Xia Houyuan lost this battle for him.

Now not only defeated the Huns, but also defeated Han Sui's main force, Xia Houyuan contributed a lot!

Cao Cao has an account book in his heart.

In the following time, Cao Cao's army raced against time to gather the defeated remnants in Hexi.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Jia Wenhe, can't you just let your brother go?"

Dian Wei growled at Jia Xu.

After a series of battles with the Xiliang coalition forces, Cao Cao's army gained an advantage, and Jia Xu contributed a lot.

In particular, Xia Houyuan's army attracted Ma Chao, and part of the army came back to help and besieged Han Sui, which was a stroke of genius.

Jia Xu smiled and said, "My lord's wisdom can't be understood by a brute like you?"

Dian Wei was stunned, could there be something hidden in it?

"Feng Xiao, explain to us, what's hidden in it?"

Guo Jia stood up and said: "It's very simple. You only see that the Xiliang coalition forces are at a disadvantage, but you don't see the pattern of the world."

"We don't understand, please explain clearly!"

"The three forces participating in the Battle of Xiliang, one was the Xiongnu, who lost more than half of their troops, one was the Xiliang Allied Army, Han Sui was defeated, and their strength was greatly reduced. The last one was Cao Cao's army, Xiahouyuan fled thousands of miles...Will they have a winner?"

Dian Wei suddenly realized that the weaker the enemy is, the better it is for Yangzhou.

"Haha, brother is still smart, no matter how Jia Wen plays with you, he will be a loser!"

Jia Xu shook his head, unable to deny it.

After Cao Cao recaptured Chang'an, he unified his army and pursued the victory, trying to kill all the forces in Xiliang.

Of course Ma Chao and Han Sui would not agree. The two sides had more than a dozen small-scale conflicts on the border, with each winning and losing, and no one could do anything to the other.

It was October in a blink of an eye, and the severe cold came very early.

"Damn it, the striker lost again!"

Yu Jin waved his fist, very unwillingly.

"Don't be rude in front of the lord." Cao Hong scolded.

"It doesn't matter." Cao Cao said, "Now the situation is not good for us. The Xiliang rebels are good at field battles, and Ma Chao is extremely fierce. It's difficult!"

"Prime Minister, give me an elite soldier to surprise the enemy camp, if it fails, please behead me!" Xu Huang asked to fight.

"We can all see the bravery of General Xu, but it's too risky to do so." Cao Cao shook his head and refused.

"Is there any other strategy to defeat the enemy?"

All the big bosses present shook their heads.

"Miaocai, the defeat is not your fault, so don't worry about it."

Seeing that Xia Houyuan was silent and his mental state was not very good during this time, Cao Cao comforted him.

"Thank you, my lord, for your concern!" Xia Houyuan clasped his fists and said with excitement.

Cao Cao was very satisfied.

"Next, everyone should work together to defeat the Xiliang rebels as soon as possible."

"Willing to serve the Lord (Prime Minister)!"

Cao Cao couldn't come up with a solution, but Ma Chao fought more and more bravely, and pulled out five or six camps in a row.


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