Cao Cao's generals were filled with righteous indignation, and Cao Cao himself was frowning.

"My lord, why don't you call Yuan Rang, his martial prowess is three points better than mine. With him around, Ma Chao will definitely not dare to be fierce." Xia Houyuan suggested.

"Yuan asked the governor of Bingzhou and Yanzhou to defend, Yanzhou is okay to say, Dongyang Hou should not do it at this time, but Bingzhou is the most important thing." Cao Cao shook his head.

"My lord, why don't you invite the ghost valley hermit out!" Cao Hong gritted his teeth and said, they have already sent people to follow, but they still can't catch anyone.

The most important reason is that he was afraid of disturbing the hermit of Guigu, otherwise hundreds of thousands of troops would search and all the flies would be picked out.

After several exchanges of letters, Cao Cao admired Guigu hermit very much, and he no longer had the guarded mentality he had before.

"This person is a genius. He has pride in his heart and cannot be forced. You can issue a notice asking him to show up."

Cao Cao gave a relatively safe suggestion.

"Prime Minister, Guigu Hermit Tips!"

At this moment, a soldier hurried in to report.

"Bring it quickly." Cao Cao said eagerly.

It reads: It's cold, build a city with sand and water.

The short eight words made Cao Cao's eyes light up, and he quickly ordered:

"Quick, go and try!"

If it can be achieved, Cao Cao's army will be able to fight every step of the way and implement the policy of "no field battles".

This strategy is so timely!Wonderful!

One day, Ma Chao attacked Cao Cao's camp as usual, and suddenly found a huge sand city rising from the ground.

"How is this possible? When did a city start here?" the candidate asked in surprise.

"Could it be that there are gods to help?"

"Bullshit gods, gods block and kill gods, and Buddhas block and kill Buddhas!" Ma Chao said disdainfully.

Xiliang coalition forces launched an offensive.

"Ma Mengqi, I called you back and forth today!" Cao Ren sarcastically said.

Ma Chao was furious and urged the soldiers to attack the city, but failed for half a day, and instead lost troops and generals.

The sand city is not only strong, but also smooth and has no climbing points, and can only rely on simple ladders.

"General, why don't you try fire attack?"

It's freezing cold now, and it's not easy to start a fire, but Ma Chao has no other choice.

The Xiliang Allied Forces prepared a large amount of dry firewood, and after paying a heavy price, they set fire to the city in the face of the arrow rain.

The fire was raging, but Shacheng stood still.

The city wall is not pure ice, but sand, with a thickness of five meters.

The wood is burned out, and only a corner is burned.Because the defenders in the city are not sitting still, they are constantly pouring water to put out the fire and consolidate the city wall.

Ma Chao had no choice but to withdraw his troops first and fight another day.

"Haha! Ma Mengqi is deflated, what a joy!" Yu Jin laughed.

Cao Cao also showed a long-lost smile.

"This battle is the work of the ghost valley hermit."

Then, Cao Cao looked expectantly at Cao Hong, who shook his head.

"My lord, the notices have been spread all over the Chang'an area. If you want to come to Guigu Hermit, you can see them. Now that he has been reluctant to show up, I'm afraid he has other plans."

"Hmph, it's just a bargain. With this kind of mystery, I can improve my status in the heart of the lord. When the war is over, he will definitely come to ask for credit." Yu Jin said disdainfully.

"As long as he is a virtuous person, I will give him the glory and wealth, and it is not a bad idea to take off the stars and the moon in the sky." Cao Cao waved his hand.

Although Yu Jin was jealous, there was nothing he could do. Who made him incapable of making suggestions?

"Change the announcement and ask Guigu Hermit to report a location, and I will invite him in person!" Cao Cao said.

"My lord, don't do it! If the ghost valley hermit has bad intentions, the consequences will be unimaginable!" Yu Jin said excitedly. Now is the most intense time of the war, and Cao Cao's safety is of paramount importance.

"I have a sense of proportion. This person must be someone who cares about the court. Maybe he has some misunderstanding with me, so he refuses to show up. I will explain it myself!" Cao Cao said.

"My lord understands righteousness deeply, and I will definitely convey my lord's sincerity to Guigu hermit!" Cao Hong clasped his fists heavily.

Therefore, Cao Hong posted notices all over the villages, even in the wilderness, and he was bound to invite the ghost valley hermit out.

"Haha, if Cao Mengde knew that the so-called ghost valley hermit was Wen He, he might have the urge to vomit blood."

Dian Wei laughed and patted Jia Xu on the shoulder.

Jia Xu looked uncomfortable, he didn't know if Cao Cao vomited blood, but if Dian Wei continued to shoot, he might have to vomit first.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Why, continue to fight?"

The candidate was calm and honest, but it caused a battle between the two camps in Liangzhou.

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