One side is in peace, with Han Sui as the leader, and the other side is in the war, with Ma Chao as the leader.

Of course Han Sui wouldn't play in person, it seemed too cowardly, so his pony came on the field.

The Xiliang coalition forces were unable to advance, and had no other choice but to retreat.

This war has lasted for too long, the Xiliang coalition forces are exhausted, and everyone wants to go back to their old nests for the winter.

The main reason is that continuing to fight will not benefit most Xiliang princes, and will only serve Ma Chao's reputation.

Then play a ball, hurry home and forget it.

"The generals want to retire, what does my nephew think?" Han Sui asked with a smile on his face.

"No, Cao Cao has been forced to such an extent with great difficulty, how can he give up easily?" Ma Chao patted the table, sonorously and forcefully.

"Haha, I just laughed. Persecution? It's as if we took advantage of it. Everyone loses their troops and loses their strength. Don't deceive yourself." Ma Wan laughed.

Ma Chao was furious and was stopped by Han Sui.

"Nephew, we are all allies, of course we must listen to the opinions of allies."

Ma Wan hid behind Han Sui, for fear that Ma Chao would rush to beat him.With Ma Chao's current prestige, he was beaten for nothing, and Han Sui would not stand up for him.

As for revenge?

Maybe wait until that day.

A good man does not suffer from immediate losses.

"Nephew, don't you want to negotiate a peace? Then negotiate a peace." Han Sui said.

Ma Chao's eyes widened. The last time he proposed to negotiate a peace, he was pretending.

Could it be true this time?

"Nephew, just say what you think, don't hold it in your heart. If you disagree, everyone can continue to discuss, can't you?" Han Suidao.

Ma Chao glanced around and found that no one dared to look him in the eye.

In this case, what's the point of continuing to fight?

It is impossible to win a war with a pack of cowards.

"Oh, let's make peace then."

Seeing Ma Chao's compromise, Han Sui was very satisfied, it was all due to him.

Ma Chao is good at fighting, so why not listen to his big brother?

"Nephew, don't be discouraged. We won't hurt your interests, and will compensate you a little bit." Han Sui said, then winked.

"That's right, this general on horseback has shown the majesty of our Xiliang, Cao Cao's condition, we can just bear it." Candidate said.

Everyone agreed one after another, giving Ma Chao a face.After all, no one wants to offend such a fierce man, and he has to rely on him to fight.

"How does this work?"

"Nephew, don't worry, you are now our benchmark in Xiliang, and Cao Cao will rely on you to suppress him in the future."

It turned out that Ma Chao simply ignored it and let them discuss.

Seeing Ma Chao leave, Han Sui breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Everyone, come up with a charter."

"It's still the same, ceding the land of Hexi is the bottom line, how about it?"

"That's right, although Ma Mengqi was brave and intrepid, he defeated Xia Houyuan's [-]-strong army, and Cao Cao dared not despise us any longer."

In this way, the theme returned to cutting the land.

In the end, Ma Wan, as an envoy, went to Cao Cao's barracks to negotiate.

Cao Cao let Ma Wan shut the door and gave no room for bargaining.

"My lord, the soldiers are exhausted, I'm afraid they won't be able to fight any more," said Cao Hong.

The meaning is obvious, just talk to Xiliang and see what price they can offer, it would be best if they can negotiate a peace.

"I don't see, fight if you want, make peace if you want, and I don't want to lose face?" Cao Cao dissatisfied.

Cao Hong stopped persuading him.

That night, Cao Cao received another letter from Guigu Hermit, this time with fewer words:


Cao Cao thought for a while before he understood the meaning contained in it, so he decided to meet Ma Wan.

"Why are you here?"

From the tone of his voice, Ma Wan could hear Cao Cao's displeasure.

"Prime Minister, the Governor-General is busy with his duties, so he has no time!"

"Hmph, don't you have time to see me?" Cao Cao dissatisfied.


"Let Han Sui come to see me."

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