Ma Wan was kicked out of Cao Cao's camp and reported the matter to Han Sui.

"I'll see you soon. For the peace of Xiliang, I'm going to risk my old face." Han Sui said generously.

After all, this is not a matter of one person, including all aspects.

"Great Governor Gao Yi! With the presence of the Great Governor, we will definitely be able to negotiate this matter."

Everyone flattered.

Han Sui was very satisfied. He didn't bother to buy people's hearts, but he couldn't help it. Recently, Ma Chao had threatened his status.

"Uncle is going to see Cao Cao?"

After Ma Chao heard the news, he hurried over.

"Yes, nephew, if something happens to me, Xiliang will be handed over to you." Han Sui said sadly, as if parting from life to death.

"Uncle, what's the point of this! I am willing to go with uncle, to protect uncle, and never let Cao Cao hurt a single hair of you." Ma Chao said.

Ma Chao's bravery is well known throughout the world, and Han Sui was there to negotiate, not to die. He was so happy to have Ma Chao follow him and protect him.

"Please, my nephew!"

So the two set off with the elite, and Cao Cao had been waiting for a long time.

The Guanzhong people and Hu people in Ma Chao's army all came to watch Cao Cao, one behind the other.

Cao Cao smiled and said to them, "Do you want to come and see Cao Cao? I am also a human being. I don't have four eyes and two mouths. I just have more resourcefulness."

Everyone finds it interesting.

Han Sui waved his hand to signal everyone not to follow, and he went to talk to Cao Cao himself.

"Long time no see, prime minister!"

Han Sui and Cao Cao are old friends and have known each other since their parents' generation.

"Haha, Governor Han is always strong and strong!"

The two of them came to the front of the battle, crossed horses' heads, and talked together for a long time. They didn't talk about military affairs, but just talked about the past in Kyoto and old friends, clapping their hands and laughing when they were happy.

Ma Chao couldn't understand, what's there to talk about?

However, Han Sui and Cao Cao acted as if no one was around, they chatted and laughed for half an hour.

When Ma Chao and Han Sui were negotiating face to face with Cao Cao, Ma Chao boasted of his bravery. He put six rice sacs in front of the horse, rode back and forth, measured Cao Cao's weight with the rice, and wanted to secretly attack and capture Cao Cao.

It's a pity that Xu Huang and Xia Houyuan have been guarding Cao Cao all the time, and Ma Chao has no chance.

It's okay to catch Cao Cao in front of so many people, but once he is allowed to escape, Ma Chao will lose face.

Xia Houyuan kept telling Cao Cao that Ma Chao was plotting something wrong.

Cao Cao took the opportunity and said, "Brother Han, why don't you let the guards back down, so we can have a good talk."

Han Sui thought: Cao Cao's status is higher than him, he is not afraid, what is he afraid of as a bad old man?

Moreover, Cao Cao's words, Brother Han, are really cool!

"Nephew, leave the negotiation to me. The prime minister has no malice."

Looking at Cao Cao, Ma Chao also felt upset and wished he could do it on the spot. For the sake of the overall situation, he retreated.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Brother Han, don't worry, your children and grandchildren are doing well in Luoyang and have not suffered any grievances." Cao Cao said.

Han Sui breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words. The reason why he talked to Cao Cao alone was for this matter.

As for why he didn't ask Ma Chao in front of him, would he dare?

Ma Teng's family, young and old, were wiped out by Cao Cao, but Han Sui's family was safe and sound, what would Ma Chao think?

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Han Sui had no choice but to make a bad move.

"Then thank you, Prime Minister, for taking care of me."

When people get old, they especially miss their offspring.It's not that Han Sui didn't think about bringing them back, but Cao Cao would not agree.

"As long as everyone abides by the law, why should I kill innocent people?" Cao Cao asked back.

"The Prime Minister is right!" Han Suidao said, acquiescing to Ma Teng's father and son's rebellion.

"About the truce..."

"It's getting late, let's do this today and talk about it tomorrow."

Han Sui looked confused, how could he tell that it was getting late?

Although it is winter, it is a bit gloomy, but it is noon now!

Cao Cao left regardless of what Han Sui thought.

Han Sui returned to the team in a daze.

"What did Cao Cao say?"

Ma Chao asked inadvertently. After all, Han Sui was negotiating on behalf of Xiliang, so there was nothing wrong with asking.

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