Han Sui sighed and said, "How to solve this matter?"

Yang Qiu stood up and said: "Ma Chao relied on his martial arts, and he often had the heart to bully the governor. Even if he defeated Cao Cao, Ma Chao would not be convinced. The governor is in danger! In my humble opinion, it is better for the governor to secretly vote for the prime minister. In the future, there will be prosperity and wealth. guaranteed."

After hearing this, Han Sui was a little moved.

"Who wants to be an envoy?"

"Someone wants to go!"

Yang Qiu took the initiative to ask Ying to say.

Han Sui then wrote a secret letter and sent Yang Qiu secretly to Cao Cao's camp to talk about surrender.

Cao Cao was overjoyed, and after the promise was fulfilled, he made Han Sui the Marquis of Xiliang and Yang Qiu the prefect of Xiliang.The rest are all officials.It was agreed to set fire as a sign and conspire with Ma Chao.

After Yang Qiu went back, he reported the matter to Han Sui, and Han Sui was very satisfied.

For one thing, Han Sui was relatively close to Cao Cao, and had defected to Cao Cao's command in the early years, but he did not hand over military power and dominated one side.

Second, Han Sui's descendants were all hostages in Luoyang, and Cao Cao dared to kill Ma Teng, so he dared to kill his descendants.

Three times, the battle was at a stalemate, and the previous expectations were not met, and Han Sui gained nothing.

Over the past four years, Ma Chao's reputation has been getting higher and higher, and he gradually doesn't pay attention to Han Sui.Not only that, Ma Chao almost killed Han Sui.

What reason did Han Sui have to resist Cao Cao?

After this battle, Cao Cao did not dare to easily bully the princes of Xiliang, and the two sides had a basis for cooperation.

Now Ma Chao is the most annoying one.

"Captain, Ma Chao is brave, you should learn it slowly." Yang Qiu said.

"Oh? What's your plan?" Han Sui asked.

"The governor might as well invite Ma Chao to a banquet in the name of an apology, and set up a knife and axe." Yang Qiu said.

"Good." Han Sui agreed.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"What? Han Sui wants to invite me to a banquet, and explain this clearly in person?——What else is there to say?"

Ma Chao was still angry.

"General, calm down, calm down, how could the commander-in-chief rely on Cao Cao? Since the battle, the commander-in-chief has suffered heavy losses. How can there be any reason to compromise his own strength to please the enemy?" Yang Qiu said.

Following Yang Qiu's train of thought, this is really the case.

No matter how bad Han Sui is, he won't lose his troops and generals. Perhaps there is really some misunderstanding.

"Okay, I'll trust my uncle one more time," Ma Chao said.

"There will be a banquet in the camp tonight, waiting for the general." Yang Qiu clasped his fists and said.

In fact, Ma Chao is impatient, and afterwards he felt that he was a bit too much, otherwise he would not continue to live in the mixed camp, but would directly leave the main force.

The Xiliang coalition forces are still united!

"Brother, a letter from the ghost valley hermit." Ma Dai hurried in.

"Bring it here, let me have a look." Ma Chao snatched it over and took a look:

Hongmen Banquet.

Ma Chao was taken aback, Han Sui was so vicious? !

However, Ma Chao still has some doubts in his heart, who is this ghost valley hermit?

As soon as Yang Qiu left, the letter arrived.

Is this person in the army?

The doubts in Ma Chao's mind were getting bigger and bigger, but he believed what the letter said, what Han Sui set up was the Hongmen Banquet.

"It's a matter of great importance, and we have to guard against it."

Ma Dai also believes that preparations should be made.

At night, Ma Chao took his relatives with several people, went first with his sword, and ordered Pang De and Ma Dai to lead the army to respond later.

As soon as they entered the camp, they saw the five generals talking to Han Sui secretly, and the atmosphere was faintly strange.

Ma Chao didn't even have a bite of the food, but Yang Qiu said: "It's not too late, it can be done quickly!"

Ma Chao was not stupid, he was furious, swung his sword and charged in, shouting, "How dare the thieves murder me!"

The crowd was shocked.

Ma Chao swung his sword and slashed at Han Sui's face.

Han Sui, who had been a soldier all his life, reacted very quickly, and hurriedly drew his sword to block.


After holding back for a while, the five generals swung their knives out and slashed straight at Ma Chao.

Ma Chao stepped out of the tent, and the five generals surrounded and killed.Ma Chao wielded his sword alone and defeated the five generals.

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