"Haha, you want to kill me? Don't even see if you have the ability!"

"Ma Chao, you are still arrogant, today is your death day!" Ma Wan shouted.

Ma Chao specializes in horse play and intends to use him as a breakthrough.

Ma Wan suddenly complained, and no one said anything, why did he have to be stubborn?

What the hell, it's all caused by one mouth.

"Where is the swordsman!" Han Sui shouted.

Countless people gathered up and surrounded Ma Chao.

But what kind of person is Ma Chao?

Enemy all directions.

Ma Wan was beheaded with a single sword.

Ma Wan couldn't believe that Ma Chao would be so strong and he would be so fragile.

"The thief will die!"

Ma Chao is brave and unparalleled, killing the Quartet.Vaguely, he saw Liang Xing's figure.

"Liang Xing, why did you betray me?!"

Faced with Ma Chao's questioning, Liang Xing's ears were ringing.

"Everyone is against you, and I have to be against you."

"A good one has to be reversed!"

Ma Chao laughed and beat Liang Xing down.

The bloody scene shocked all directions!

"Ma Mengqi is here, wanting my life, be prepared to die!"

The remaining three generals lost their courage and hurriedly gave up their positions to let the swordsmen besiege Ma Chao.

How could these soldiers be Ma Chao's opponents?

Ma Chao broke into the tent again and came to kill Han Sui, but Han Sui was rescued by left and right.

"Old thief Han Sui, don't run away!"

While running, Han Sui ordered his subordinates to light the firewood that had been prepared earlier.

In an instant, the fire broke out, and the whole camp was ablaze.

Pang De and Ma Dai led troops to fight and fought with each other.


Ma Dai came to Ma Chao and brought his horse and spear.

"Quick fight."

Ma Chao got on his horse and chased Han Sui.Han Sui's death will not dispel Ma Chao's hatred.

"Prime Minister, the coalition forces in Xiliang are on fire!"

Cao Cao was very happy, and in the end he had the last laugh.

Xu Huang is in the front, Cao Ren is in the back, Xia Houyuan is in the left, and Cao Hong is in the right.

Cao Cao's army is attacking!

On the way, a group of people suddenly rushed out and rushed towards Cao Cao's army.

"Haha! Ma Mengqi has some skills, and he expected that you villains would come to sneak attack."

Hu Chuquan laughed, full of vigor.This time he attacked suddenly, so he must do a good job.

"There are ambulances!"

Cao Cao's army scouts shouted.

"Get rid of the damned Huns first!" Cao Cao gritted his teeth and said, it's a good time, could it be disturbed by the Huns?

Cao Cao absolutely cannot accept it.


The two sides fought fiercely together, Xu Huang took the lead, rushed into the Huns camp, and slaughtered countless.

"No one can stop me!"

Cao Cao said in high spirits.

Tonight, doomed to sleepless, fighting everywhere.

Especially the Xiliang soldiers, they killed each other.In marching and fighting, the most intolerable thing is betrayal.

For those who betray, we must get rid of them quickly.

Ma Chao charged for a while, and Pound and Ma Dai were no longer visible behind him, but there were still thousands of cavalry around him.

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