However, with Cao Cao as a hostage, this plan is really feasible.

"I'm afraid that Cao Cao won't come, so I sent someone to catch the ghost valley hermit, what should I do?" Dian Wei said.

"It's not easy? First send Shuzhi to take a small boat to pick up Cao Cao. After confirming himself, he will be brought to the big boat." Liu Ke said.

Everyone saw that Liu was not acting on a whim, but after careful consideration, so they stopped persuading him.

The rest is full of expectations.

If Cao Cao knew the truth of everything, what kind of expression would he have?

So funny.

Therefore, Chen Dao, as a messenger, sent a letter secretly again, asking Cao Cao to come to meet him, with no more than five followers.

Cao Cao is suspicious by nature. When he sees such a letter, he usually throws it away.

However, he was really curious about Guigu hermit, what kind of talent is he?

"Prime Minister, you are a rich man, how can you have any reason to meet a small person?" Cao Hong said.

"Yes, Prime Minister, let's pretend to agree, give me another army to arrest, and I promise to catch the ghost valley hermit!" Yu Jin said.

"That's a good idea." Xu Huang's eyes lit up.

"Hmph, are you all fools when you think the ghost valley hermit?" Cao Cao said, "If it wasn't for me, he wouldn't have appeared. Besides, he has contributed to the imperial court, so why arrest him?"

"Prime Minister, it's not easy. I'll play the bad face, and you are the red face. If you catch him, don't you let us handle it?" Yu Jin said.

Cao Cao was a little moved, but quickly shook his head.

"If the talents are taken away by surprise, I will regret it for the rest of my life."

If the ghost valley hermit had just come up with a wonderful idea, Cao Cao might not have taken it seriously.

But a series of performances have already blinded Cao Cao's dog's eyes.

This person is a great talent, a real great talent, not much worse than Yangzhou Guo Fengxiao.

For this, Cao Cao firmly believed.

"Prime Minister, think twice! If it's a trap, it's too late for us to regret it." Cao Hong said.

"Hmph, can't you bring five followers? Miaocai, Gongming, Zilian, Zixiao, and Wen are with me. Don't you have the confidence to protect me?" Cao Cao said.

Xia Houyuan, Xu Huang, Cao Hong, Cao Ren, and Yu Jin who were named were shocked.

"My lord, of course we can protect you well, and we will protect you even if we risk our lives. But if we don't have to be afraid of [-], we are afraid of the unexpected. If something happens to you, how can we survive!" Cao Hong said, he had saved Cao Cao many times, So I dared to persuade him many times, if it was an ordinary person, Cao Cao would have ignored him a long time ago.

"I don't want your lives, I just want you to obey me." Cao Cao said, his eyes swept away, quite deterrent.

"Subordinates obey!" The five said in unison.

At this point, if you try to persuade me again, your head will fall off first.Even if he doesn't lose, Cao Cao will be very upset.

"We will work together to protect the lord!"

What Cao Cao wants is support, not opposition. Isn't it good and harmonious now?

"Prime Minister, although you can only bring five entourages, you can bring a few guards, right?" Cao Hong said cautiously, "Prime Minister has given face to Guigu Hermit by personally showing up. He will also give Prime Minister some face, right?"

"Tricky." Cao Cao scolded with a smile.

"Hey, I'm going to prepare right away." Cao Hong ran away quickly.

When everyone came to the river, they were shocked.

Cao Hong said to bring some guards, but in the end a whole navy came... Dozens of ships were lying across the water, with flags fluttering.

"Zilian, I didn't expect you to be a talent!" Xia Houyuan praised.

"My lord's safety is the most important thing." Cao Hong said.

"If you scare people away, let's see how my lord will deal with you!" Cao Ren said.

"Hey, I'm really not afraid. If the ghost valley hermit has good intentions, how can he be afraid of our army? Only those with evil intentions will be afraid!" Cao Hong said loudly.

"I can hear it!" Cao Cao said angrily.

Cao Hong immediately smiled and said, "My lord, please forgive me."

Cao Cao felt that Cao Hong's words were also reasonable, so he did not object.

Look at the land again, good guy, Cao Hong has mobilized all the tiger and leopard riders.

People who don't know this lineup think they are fighting.

"Okay, Prime Minister, everything is safe now." Cao Hong said.

"This can only be a precautionary measure, and it is far from being foolproof." Cao Cao smiled heartily, indicating that he was in a good mood.

After a while, a small boat came staggeringly, and Cao Cao couldn't help holding his breath.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"But Prime Minister Cao?"

Chen Dao poked his head out and called softly.

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