Cao Cao glanced at him, it turned out to be a young man? !

Although this person was talented and good-looking, he was far from the image of a hermit in Cao Cao's mind, so he didn't come to his senses.

"My lord, I'm afraid this person is not the ghost valley hermit."

The authorities were confused, but after Xia Houyuan reminded Cao Cao, he came to his senses.

"No matter who it is, let's listen to a certain question." Cao Hong said.

"This is the frame of the prime minister of the Han Dynasty. Who is it?"

When Chen Dao drove the boat to the shore, Xia Houyuan and the others felt as if they were facing a formidable enemy, especially when Chen Dao jumped off with his sword, it made people exclaim:

"Protect the lord!"

Numerous guards protected Cao Cao.

Chen Dao laughed loudly and said, "Haha, I don't mean anything malicious, I just came here on behalf of Mr., please explain to the Prime Minister."

Cao Cao waved his hand, motioning for the guards to retreat.

"The prime minister is here, why not let your husband come to see him." Cao Hong shouted.

"Is this what the prime minister meant?" Chen Dao looked at Cao Cao.

"Hmph, people in the mountains dare to be frivolous, let me deal with you."

Cao Hong drew his sword and went up, wanting to try Chen Dao's weight.

Chen Dao dodged to the left and right, but he didn't fight. Cao Hong's consecutive moves were all in vain.

This person has good skills!

This is Cao Hong's first impression.

"This is the prime minister's way of hospitality. No wonder the gentleman has been refusing to show up. It turns out that the gentleman has known for a long time that this is a hell."

Chen Dao said sarcastically.

"Zi Lian, don't be rude." Cao Cao stopped Cao Hong.

Chen Dao's words made him look ugly.

Just as Cao Hong was about to withdraw his sword, Chen Dao caught a flaw and sent Cao Hong's weapon flying with his sword.

"Haha, the generals under the prime minister's command are nothing more than that."

Cao Hong was ashamed and angry.

"Despicable, you actually attacked me!"

Just about to fight again, Xia Houyuan stopped him. Just now Cao Cao had ordered Cao Hong to stop. If Cao Hong insisted on fighting, Cao Cao would be unhappy.

"You are rude first, and you still don't allow me to sneak attack? The imposing general, who can't hold the sword steadily in his hand, who is to blame?" Chen Dao said arrogantly.

"Young hero is very skilled!" Cao Cao stroked his hands, ignoring Cao Hong's silliness.

From Chen Zhitiao's demeanor, Cao Cao knew that this man was a rebellious hero who defied life and death.

It would be wonderful if such a person could be used by him.

At the same time, Cao Cao was even more curious about what kind of strange people and talents could subdue a talent like Chen Dao.

Ghost Valley hermit must see!

"Look, the prime minister praised me, saying it was your fault, why don't you hurry up and apologize!" Chen Dao pointed at Cao Hong's almost crooked nose.

"Fuck, let's have another fight, a fair duel!"

"Who wants to duel with you? I came here this time to invite the prime minister. I don't know how the prime minister is thinking?"

Facing Chen Dao's question, Cao Cao laughed and said, "Okay, I'll go there at my appointment to see your husband's real face."

"Prime Minister, please!" Chen Dao stretched out his hand.

"Prime Minister, don't listen to this villain!" Cao Hong wanted to stop him.

It's a pity that Cao Cao has already stepped on the boat with vigorous steps.

"Ma Mengqi can't hurt me, let alone Xiao Xiao."

Speaking of Ma Chao, Cao Cao is somewhat proud.He finally won this battle, he seemed to be ten years younger.

"The prime minister is really as brave and generous as the rumors say!" Chen Dao flattered him, which was very helpful.

"Ha ha……"

Cao Cao laughed.

Xia Houyuan and other five generals also boarded the boat, and the boat almost sank.

No wonder you can only bring five followers, and if you bring one more, I'm afraid the boat will capsize.

Chen Dao was paddling while chatting with Cao Cao.

"My husband is an immortal in the sky, he is extraordinary in martial arts, ordinary people can't see him."

"Hmph, I'm afraid he is not a bad old man?" Cao Hong interjected.

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