"Not really? One thing is for sure, he must be more handsome than you." Chen Dao said.

Cao Hong looks very ordinary indeed, so he did not refute.

"Boy, don't mess around, have you seen the big boat behind?"

"I saw it."

"If you dare to be unfavorable to the prime minister, both you and the gentleman behind you will die, and the death will be miserable." Cao Hong threatened, and some things still need to be clarified.

"How come? If I want to be unfavorable to the prime minister, there are plenty of opportunities."


Cao Hong recalled it for a while, but didn't find it at all.

Like now, Chen Dao is in charge of rowing, while Cao Hong and Cao Ren are in charge of guarding him, and Xia Houyuan and Xu Huang are in charge of protecting Cao Cao.

Yu Jin is in charge of looking out the wind and observing the surrounding movement.

Five will be very cautious!

It is impossible for Chen to have a chance.

"Who doesn't brag?"

"You can't!"

Cao Hong was furious, wishing he could go up with his sword and chop Chen Dao.You don't even know how to brag, what kind of general do you still want to be?

The boat slowly went down the current, and after half an hour, a big boat appeared in front of it.

Cao Cao's spirit was shaken, and he knew that the right master was on the top.

"This boat is not for ordinary people to own. Prime Minister, be careful!" Xia Houyuan reminded.

"It's okay, we're all here, so why not retreat?" Cao Cao said.

"Just in case, I will explore the way on behalf of the prime minister." Xia Houyuan said.

"Don't think wildly, my husband loves peace." Chen Dao said.

"Hmph, when something goes wrong, I'll kill you right away." Cao Hong said.

"I don't even look at your ability, just bragging." Chen Dao sarcastically said.

Fuck!Just now I said that I can't brag... No, it's not bragging.

Cao Hong's thinking was chaotic, and he hated Chen Dao even more.

Find a chance to wipe him off!

When the boat came close, the big boat dropped a few ropes.

Cao Hong grabbed the rope and wanted to go up to explore the way first, but was scorned by Chen Dao.

Chen Dao took the rope and tied several nodes, and the boat was lifted up until it was about half a meter away from the deck of the big boat.

Chen Dao crossed over immediately, Xia Houyuan and Cao Hong went up first, and when they saw that there was no danger, they gave Cao Cao a hand.

"Where is the ghost valley hermit?" Cao Cao asked.

"So arrogant? The prime minister is here, and he's hiding in the cabin." Cao Hong dissatisfied, expressing his dissatisfaction on behalf of Cao Cao.

"No hurries!"

When it came to his own territory, Chen Dao didn't need to be polite anymore.

Cao Cao's mind was sharp, and he quickly caught this point, and his heart shuddered.

Could it be that this is really a trap?

Cao Cao couldn't believe it.

"Ghost Valley hermit, don't come out to meet me, is this your way of hospitality?"

"Haha, Prime Minister Cao, do you recognize someone?"

With a loud laugh, Jia Xu came out of the cabin.

Cao Cao took a closer look. Why does this person look familiar?

He has met a lot of people, so it is inevitable that he will not remember.It seems that I have seen it, but it seems that I have not seen it.

"May I ask your honorable name?"

"Jia Xu, Jia Wenhe!"


Cao Cao's head exploded suddenly, as if he had hit a pillar hard with his head.

How could this be?

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Who is Jia Wenhe?

No matter how stupid Cao Cao is, he still remembers it clearly.

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