He is one of the main advisers under Dongyang Hou's command.

Prior to this, Jia Xu was in charge of Jiaozhou, killing all dissatisfied people, completely bringing Jiaozhou under the rule of Yangzhou, and breaking Liu Yan's invasion.Later, he advised Liu Ke many times, and Jia Xu played an important role in the two anti-Yangzhou alliance wars.

In the ranking of the top strategists of the Han Dynasty, Jia Xu has a place.

This person turned out to be a ghost valley hermit?

Cao Cao's thoughts were confused, no wonder the ghost valley hermit has been refusing to show up, that's why.

But why did Dongyang Hou help him?Why?

In the original battle of Tongguan and even the battle of Hexi, Cao Cao did a good job, and he was very satisfied.

However, at this moment, it all became the credit of Jia Wenhe, and Dongyang Hou was the driving force behind the scenes.

Cao Cao became a pawn on the chessboard, and the pride in his heart suddenly collapsed.

Why is this happening? !

why? !

Cao Cao just fell limply.

"Protect the Prime Minister! Protect the Prime Minister!"

The five generals quickly surrounded Cao Cao and stared at Chen Dao and Jia Xu. Xu Huang suddenly became violent and wanted to arrest Jia Xu.

"Wenhe be careful!"

Seeing this scene, Dian Wei rushed out from the darkness, and the sword collided with Xu Huang's giant axe.


Intense flames burst out.

"Don't be aggressive!"

"It turns out that everything is a conspiracy, it is Dongyang Hou's conspiracy, we can only have a chance if we catch Jia Xu!" Cao Hong shouted and killed Jia Xu.

Chen Dao jumped out to stop him.

"Your opponent is me, a stupid roe deer who can't brag!"

"Fuck, your whole family are stupid roe deer!"

Cao Hong was furious, and the two clashed for more than ten rounds.

"You are not our opponent!" Dian Wei said to Xu Huang.

Xu Huang snorted coldly, and the two axes rolled up with bursts of cries, drowning Dian Wei.

"Hey, shameless, then beat him to death before reasoning."

Dian Wei was furious, and fought with Xu Huang, getting angry and killing each other.

At first, he thought that since he was a landlord and his elder brother sincerely invited him, it would be fine if the explanations were cleared up, but he didn't expect Xu Huang to go further.

If the tiger doesn't show its power, you treat me as a sick cat!

Xia Houyuan hurried forward to help Xu Huang, but at this moment, a tiger roar broke out.

"Come on, I'm coming!"

Xu Chu arrived.

"Zhongkang, you silly boy, we don't need your help, we want one to two."

"Just you? One hit two? It's embarrassing to be beaten to death."

Xu Chuke didn't care, and went directly to Xia Houyuan, stealing an opponent.

"Zhongkang, can you give way, my hands are itchy, and I don't feel comfortable if I don't hit you." Dian Wei almost begged.

Is Dian Wei ashamed?


Xu Huang was even more ashamed!

At this moment, his face was flushed, and Dian Wei still had the strength to taunt him while fighting him.

"Damn it, I must teach you how to be a man!"

When Xu Huang swung his axe, most people would have been scared to death. Unfortunately, Dian Wei was even more vicious than the axe.

"Boy, what ability do you have, just use it!"

Dian Wei opened his arms wide and closed, his strikes were indiscriminate, and sawdust flew everywhere.

"Fuck, come on, if you destroy the boat again, we will all go swimming together later." Chen said in a straight-forward manner.

Dian Wei is Chen Dao's senior, but recently they got to know each other too well and there is no distinction of seniority.

"Tch, we still know how to water."

"Do you want my lord to swim with you?" Chen Dao shouted.


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