"Prime Minister, you are not kind, you actually used a trick to separate people." Guo Jia said dissatisfied.

"Love talents are eager, love talents are eager." Cao Cao said with a sloppy eye.

"Feng Xiao, why did you get blown out? Isn't this wine not good?" Jia Xu asked.

After the banquet started, Guo Jia kept his head buried in drinking without saying a word.

"Bah, if I don't stand up again, won't I let your treachery succeed?"

Jia Xu looked innocent and said, "What tricks do I have?"

"Look, the prime minister values ​​you so much, won't the lord pay more attention to you if he wins you over in front of the lord?" Guo Jia said.

"Just you, you still want to take my position as the number one counselor in Yangzhou? It's not enough to be cautious."

Jia Xu smiled wryly.

It was Liu Ke who spoke, and said, "Feng Xiao, if you are a little lazy, you still use others to grab it? You gave it up yourself. Look at what you have done all these years? Your little inspiration is almost gone. "

"How is it possible?" Guo Jia recalled for a moment. In the past few years, he really didn't seem to make any suggestions, so he couldn't help feeling a little ashamed.

"My lord, this is to maintain my sense of mystery."

"Just brag, you're not afraid of losing face?" Dian Wei teased.

Seeing the joyous side of the people in Yangzhou, Cao Cao couldn't help but reflect on why the court looked so lifeless?

Everyone was terrified when they saw him...

Could it be that this is the way of the Marquis of Dongyang?

Cao Cao seemed to have learned something, and then gave Yu Jin a chicken leg.

Yu Jin was stunned for a moment, and said, "Master, this is..."

"The reward was given to you. I saw it through your loyal protection of the lord before." Cao Cao said.

"Thank you, my lord! I will go through fire and water for my lord!" Yu Jin said excitedly, and then finished the chicken leg with a big gulp.

Cao Cao nodded in satisfaction.

However, Cao Hong felt very strange. When did Cao Cao speak so easily?

Cao Cao has always been a very majestic image in their eyes.If you are not careful, you will be scolded, and if you are not careful, you will lose your head.

They are close people, so they are treated like this. If they were ordinary people, they would have been wiped out long ago.

Now there is a change.

Of course Liu Ke also saw it, and said, "Brother Meng De, you should be kinder to others."

Cao Cao nodded and raised his glass to toast.

Liu Ke drank it all in one gulp.

Everyone ate and drank happily.

"Brother Xu Huang, your big ax is good." Dian Wei said.

"Brother Dianwei, your martial arts skills are outstanding." Xu Huang said.

Both drank a lot.

If it weren't for the troubled times, everyone should be able to become friends, but unfortunately, in the end, each is his own master.

After the banquet, Liu Ke said goodbye to Cao Cao.

From now on, it is time to fight or fight, and there will be no mercy.

Cao Cao took a small boat and gradually left in Liu Ke's sight.

"Dongyanghou, take care, the next time we meet, it will be your life or death."

"Brother Meng Dexian, you have to take care of your body, don't die suddenly." Liu Ke said.

Cao Cao coughed, which made the five generals anxious.

"No problem!"

Cao Cao waved his hand to signal everyone not to be nervous.

"My lord, this is a great time. I should order the navy to go down the river and arrest the Marquis of Dongyang!" Cao Hong suggested.

"That's right, my lord, it's going down to the waters of Jizhou, we still have a little time." Xia Houyuan agreed.

"Hmph, the Marquis of Dongyang will be negligent about what you think of?" Cao Cao said.

"My lord, only in this way can we defeat the Marquis of Dongyang." Cao Hong said.

The last sentence touched Cao Cao, and he waved his hand to signal that he didn't care.

Yu Jin was overjoyed and hurriedly commanded the navy to pursue him.

"Beat the drum and gather the army!"

Cao Cao's navy is not very good, but there are dozens of ships.

Seeing Cao Cao's navy chasing after him, Dian Wei let out a "Pooh".

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