"Cao Mengde is really a villain, we should hold him hostage."

Liu Ke was not surprised at all, and said: "Beat the drum, let Xingba teach them a lesson."

Boom boom boom!

The sudden sound of drums startled Yu Jin, and he suddenly saw huge monsters on the river.

"Damn! Isn't this damn Chishui Army?"

The Chishui army is the most elite navy in Yangzhou. It has fought many tough battles and is truly the strongest in the world.

The water is their world.

Yu Jin felt that he was too unlucky, and also underestimated Dongyang Hou.

Gan Ning shot the letter of war with an arrow.

"Misunderstanding, General Gan, it's all a misunderstanding. We are only here to protect the Marquis of Dongyang and ensure that he returns to Yangzhou smoothly." Yu Jin laughed.

"Misunderstanding? I hope so." Gan Ning said.

Yu Jin breathed a sigh of relief, originally thought that Gan Ning would let him go, but unexpectedly, Gan Ning suddenly accelerated.

Damn, I fell for it!

Sure enough, there is no good person who can become a general.

"Turn around and run!" Yu Jin ordered.

"General, if you run now, I'm afraid it will be even worse. It's better to run into it directly, and there is still a slight chance of winning." The general of the navy suggested.

"Then rush up~" Yu Jin gritted his teeth.

Not long after, news of the defeat of Cao Cao's navy came across the water. Yu Jin fell into the river, grabbed a board and swam ashore. When he was found, he was only breathless.

"Sigh, Marquis Dongyang won't leave any openings." Cao Cao sighed.

It was this sigh that made him ten years older.

"Prime Minister, we must not be discouraged, there will always be opportunities." Xia Houyuan comforted.

"That's right, Marquis Dongyang won't be invincible forever, even Xiang Yu, the Overlord of Western Chu, can't do it," Xu Huang said.

Hearing everyone's comfort, Cao Cao felt better.

However, the river surface reflected his figure, and the white hair on his forehead appeared.

"I'm already old, and I can't say what will happen in the future."

Cao Cao sighed again, he was really hit.

Now Dongyang Hou is only one opportunity away from sweeping the world, and no one can stop it.

Neither can Cao Cao.

"Dongyanghou is my lifelong enemy and my lifelong best friend."

It's a pity that Yuan Shao left early, otherwise Cao Cao still had some chances of winning.

Why did you die in the first place? !

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Brother, Cao Cao's expression is amazing, this scene will never be forgotten."

Dian Wei danced and danced, this adventure was worth it.

"This is sympathy, you don't understand, you are a big bastard." Guo Jia said.

"We are sensible people, Guo Fengxiao, are you looking for trouble?" Dian Wei said with a bull's eye.

"The meeting on the Yellow River will become a good story." Jia Xu said with a lot of meaning.

"Really? Then if we fight on the boat, won't we also become historical celebrities?" Dian Wei said excitedly.

"It depends on Feng Xiao's mood, he is writing." Jia Xu said.

A big question mark appeared on Dian Wei's forehead, and it took him a while to understand.

"Feng Xiao, are we brothers?"

"You are the lord's sworn brother, I can't afford to be high." Guo Jia shook his head.

"A meal of wine." Dian Wei stretched out a finger, "Good wine."

"Deal!" Guo Jia said.

"Write us wisely and powerfully, and drink enough." Dian Wei said.

"Okay, how do you feel about fighting five generals of Cao bravely?" Guo Jia said.

"That's right! That's it, especially Xu Huang, who described it better, and then we defeated him." Dian Wei said.

The two looked at each other and both smiled.

"Feng Xiao, you are our good brother!"

"Wine is a good brother!"

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