"Sorry, I'm a scholar, not a monk."

From the beginning to the end, Liu Ke never said that he was a monk, he just wrote a Buddhist scripture silently.

Ze Rong was stunned, wow, he was tricked!

He touched his bald head, it was winter now...

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Mr. Liu, I think you are also a talent. Why don't you join us?"

Ruo Rong had his head picked off, how could he be willing not to drag Liu Ke into the water.

"Only by being with the world of mortals can we live a chic and unrestrained life." Liu Ke said.

"Mr. Liu, this is a grand Buddhist event. Now I officially accept you as a disciple. You won't refuse, will you?" Ruo Rong said.

"It's your honor to be the disciple of Master Ruo Rong! Hurry up and agree!"

"Master Ruo Rong's Dharma is profound. Now that Master Anxuan has led him in, the Dharma has gone a step further. Why don't you agree?"

Facing the siege, Liu Ke smiled calmly and said, "I still have to take the imperial examination."

The imperial examination is a grand event of Confucianism, if Ruo Rong dares to disrupt it, he will definitely become a villain that everyone shouts and beats.

"The monks can also take the imperial examination." Ruo Rong persuaded him kindly.

"The monks pay attention to fame and wealth, Master Ruo Rong should study Buddhism well." Liu Ke said.

Ruo Rong didn't dare to continue the stalemate, and the more he talked, the more he seemed ignorant.But he didn't intend to let Liu Ke go just like that.

"In that case, why did Mr. Liu come to the banquet?"

"I like to do good deeds."

Ruo Rong was overjoyed, since he couldn't get back his position, he could cheat a sum of money.

"Mr. Liu is refreshing! For the development of Buddhism, let's start donating directly."

"I'll pay you five thousand gold!" A nouveau riche stood up and said.

"Six thousand gold!"

"I'm ashamed, three thousand gold."


All the people who attended the banquet gave generously, and Ruo Rong was very happy.

He will use most of the money to build temples, and the rest will of course be used as activity expenses.

He runs around and raises a bunch of younger brothers, how can he do it without spending money?

"Wenhe, did you find anything unusual?" Liu Ke asked.

After coming in, Liu Ke asked Jia Xu to pay more attention to whether Ruo Rong was the biggest boss or not, he didn't know yet.

"My lord, Ruo Rong looks rough, but he's actually impeccable. I've talked with everyone here for a long time, but I haven't found any flaws," Jia Xu said.

As soon as Liu Ke was about to speak, Ruo Rong caught him.

"Mr. Liu, what about you?"

"Mr. Liu is proficient in Buddhism and knows that Buddhism is vast and boundless. I definitely hope that more people will understand it."

"The lowest we have here is to donate three thousand gold, Mr. Liu can't be stingy."

Liu Ke casually reported a number.

"Fifty thousand gold!"

Ruo Rong couldn't believe his ears.

"Mr. Liu, how much did you say?"

"Fifty thousand gold!"

This is not a small amount!

Ruo Rong's eyes are shining. He has raised donations so many times, and this time the amount is the largest.

However, what Ruo Rong didn't know was that the money was seized by Liu Ke in Langya Mountain.

In order to expose Ruo Rong's flaws, Liu Ke did not hesitate to invest a huge sum of money, which also gave him an excuse to intervene in this matter.

"Mr. Liu is really proud! Ruo admires him!"

"I hope that Master Ruo Rong will make good use of these charitable funds."

After speaking, Liu Ke left directly.

Ruo Rong laughed out loud like a pig, and the good banquet was not in the mood to hold it, so it ended hastily, and took a carriage directly to a Zhuangzi outside the city.

Chen Dao has been following behind...

"Ze Rong, why did you become bald?"

In Zhuangzi, a Confucian scholar asked dissatisfiedly.

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