As soon as this was mentioned, Ruo Rong became angry, but when he spoke, he was triumphant.

"It's a long story, but it was Master Anxuan who shaved himself."

Wang Lang is too lazy to care about him!

If it wasn't for Sima Yi's arrangement, he wouldn't be here.

"What did you gain today?"

"Haha, today's good banquet, I met a talented person and donated [-] gold in one go." Ruo Rong laughed loudly.

Wang Lang couldn't help laughing either.

"Old rules, fifty-five points."

"Master Wang, are you going too far?"

Ruo Rong was dissatisfied.

"If I hadn't given you some advice, you would still be wandering for alms, how could you be where you are today?" Wang Lang said disdainfully.

In the past, Ruo Rong relied on the power in his hands to steal and plunder, and the money came quite quickly.After losing his official position, he began to fall down.

A place like him is powerful, can't be an official, and doesn't know how to do business, and his life is getting worse day by day.

At this moment, Wang Lang appeared, and Ruo Rong hit it off.

In order to earn funds, Wang Lang advised Ruo Rong and decided to start with businessmen.

The businessman had money in his hands, but his mind was in a blank period. Ruo Rong seized the opportunity and became the guest of the businessman in one fell swoop.

Wang Lang saw that Ruo Rong easily obtained a huge amount of money, so of course he was jealous, and Ruo Rong would also be a man and gave Wang Lang a part of it.

Wang Lang transported the money back to Cao Ying to serve as military resources.Otherwise, with the poor situation of Cao Cao's army, how could it be possible to fight the Battle of Tongguan.

However, as more and more money was distributed to Wang Lang, Ruo Rong began to regret it.That's all the credit for Wang Lang's contribution, and Ruo Rong felt that he had repaid enough.

Wouldn't it be silly to keep giving money!

"Ruo Rong, don't forget that what you did was almost a fraud. You offended the government of Yangzhou. The world is so big that there is no place for you. Only we are qualified to oppose the Marquis of Dongyang." Wang Lang taught.

"Blame me for what you love and what I want?" Ruo Rong insisted, but his defenses relaxed.

This protection fee is really not worth it!

"It's good that you understand the severity." Wang Lang said.

"Unlucky!" Ruo Rong said unhappily.

"Now that you have earned enough money, start recruiting apprentices and expanding your followers. As for the good banquet, it's better not to hold a good banquet, and avoid the limelight." Wang Lang suggested.

Ruo Rong nodded.

"Do you know about Langya Mountain?" Wang Lang asked.

"Langya Mountain? What's the matter?" Ruo Rong asked in surprise.

Wang Lang smiled slightly. In terms of intelligence, Ruo Rong still ignored it too much.

"Langya Mountain was taken over by the government."

"Fuck, what excuse are they using?!" Ruo Rong jumped up and said.

"Your good apprentice, Master Honghua, collected tolls halfway up the mountain and offended the dignitaries." Wang Lang said.

"Who is it?" Ruo Rong said bitterly.

"I don't know, I'm still investigating."

Ruo Rong was obviously not satisfied with such an answer, but he had nothing to do.

"I'm afraid you will be targeted by the government, so you should keep a low profile recently."

"Damn it, I told them all, don't go too far, just raise money secretly, collect tolls with great fanfare, the nature of bandits hasn't changed yet."

Ruo Rong stayed in the Zhuangzi for three days, but had no intention of coming out.Chen Dao felt bored, so he reported to Liu Ke first.

"My lord, our people saw that Ruo Rong has a close relationship with a person whose surname is Wang. It is not known exactly what their relationship is."

"Keep watching and investigating, I want to see how many followers they have." Liu Ke said.

"Don't worry, my lord, Zhuangzi, we've been watching, and we've dressed up as traveling merchants and sneaked in. I believe we'll be able to catch their fox tails soon."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"This time to expand the number of believers, you need to promote the great compassion of Buddhism and refuse to kill."

Wang Lang ordered.

Ze Rong instantly understood Wang Lang's intention, which was to contain Dongyanghou.

Dongyang Hou fought south and north, and he is the god of war in people's minds.But he also has a flaw, that is, causing too many kills.

This is indisputable in any case.

If he directly took up arms to confront Dongyang Hou, he would not dare to give Ruo Rong ten thousand courage.

But preaching the Dharma has a different meaning.Moreover, Buddhism does teach not to kill.

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